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Awards, Announcements, and Promotions! Oh My!

Posted on 04 Jan 2020 @ 9:31pm by Captain Harvey Geisler

As teased several times over the last few weeks, Season 3 is officially at an end. The Black Hawk is finally free of the Convergence Zone, and the lives of our crew members can at last return to normal. (Or will they…)

I have many things to cover in this news item, so let’s start with awards. Out of the myriad of nominations, the winners are….

Purple Heart: Captain Geisler, Lieutenant Di Pasquale, Staff Warrant Officer Griffin, Doctor Abrams (Joey), Lieutenant Beckett (Terry), Ensign Khan (Camila), Ensign Mackie (Harvey)

Player’s Choice: Lt. Di Pasquale, & Senior Chief Rylan

Exceptional Teamwork: Captain Geisler, Commander Teixeira, Lieutenant Geisler, Lieutenant Di Pasquale, Lieutenant JG Akorem, Lieutenant JG Sorenson, Lt. Commander Djinx, Lt. Commander Kij, Lt. Commander Milo, Senior Chief Rylan, Lieutenant Stuart, Lieutenant Roshe, Lt. Commander Walsh, & Lieutenant Alexander

Departmental Distinction: Sciences: Lt. Commander Kij, Lieutenant JG Rhula (Teixeira), & Senior Chief Rylan for discovering methods to detect the Dolmoqour and methods to overpower them.

Bronze Star: Lieutenant Abrams (Joey) for heroic efforts in attempting to capture a Dolmoqour host.

Honor of Excellence: Lieutenant Geisler

Player of the Mission: Captain Geisler

Congratulations to everyone! All players who participated in Missions 11-17 will also receive a special award, ”Lousy Zone T-Shirt” for entering, and surviving, the Convergence Zone and the Dolmoqour. This award, and the others listed above, will be available to view on the website soon.

= = = = = =

Next on our order of business is a change in personnel. Commander Teixeira (Teix) and I have known each other for… 16 or 17 years now. We first met in the Alpha Quadrant Simulation Group way back when, and we were both on the Black Hawk when it originally launched in 2004. When I stepped up to run the sim a year later, Teix stood by my side as XO. We’ve been through a lot together, and words cannot express how thankful I am for his service and his friendship, even in this now six-year old revival which has far outpaced the sim’s previous incarnation.

Sadly, with this change in missions and seasons, Teix will no longer be continuing ahead as our illustrious Executive Officer. Teix will be remaining aboard the sim, and will be switching his primary character to Lieutenant JG Rhula. I feel the most sorry for Doctor Kij and Lt. Commander Djinx, especially since Rhula’s distaste for joined Trill is now legendary.

The void left behind in the command team will be filled by our Squadron Commander, Terry Walsh. Please welcome him in his new role as Executive Officer.

The void left behind on the Flight Deck as will be filled by Lieutenant Gemma Alexander. Please welcome her in her new role as Squadron Commander and Alpha One.

Both of these promotions will go into effect as our next mission begins, and won't be official until they occur in character.

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Third on our list are promotions in rank. These promotions have been based on time on the sim, advancement in position, as well as involvement in our missions and adventures.

Terry Walsh, Commander
Jayla Kij, Commander
Camila Di Pasquale, Lt. Commander
Joey Geisler, Lt. Commander
Gemma Alexander, Lt. Commander
Jennin Rhula, Lieutenant

These changes will soon be reflected on our manifest. In Character, these promotions will occur in early January 2390.

= = = = = = =

Regarding our next mission, I originally planned to start this on Monday. Since the last two weeks kept me hopping like mad and prevented me from doing some necessary writing of my own, I'm going to delay this mission start for another week. please continue to write for your characters in this wacky time in between the Zone and January 2390.

Finally, I want to thank each and every one of you. Since December 2013, we have published 1,345 posts in 20 different adventures (18 missions plus 2 interludes). Each one of these posts have enhanced the universe created by Gene Roddenberry. 2020 is going to be an amazing year for Star Trek as we all continue to body go where no one has gone before.

Live long and prosper, and happy simming!

-Andrew / HG


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