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Posted on 14 Mar 2018 @ 11:04pm by Lieutenant Commander Camila Di Pasquale & Lieutenant Commander Joey Geisler

1,890 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Crossing Over
Location: Deck 9
Timeline: MD 35 || 1000 Hours

After tracking down quite a few of the ship's personnel to let them know who they were and what they needed to do, Joey couldn't help but embrace her curiosity to dig further into who she was. Not knowing anything about herself, aside from having a name, rank and what position she held on the ship, was driving her crazy. And now that the people who had their identities were helping the others discover themselves, she felt it would be okay to dig a little deeper into herself.

With the PADD in hand, she pulled up her personnel file and began to look through it. It didn't take long for her to discover that she actually lived on this deck... room six to be exact. Her only problem now was locating the right room, and since Joey had no idea where it was, that meant picking a direction and walking until she found it, and that was exactly what she did.

From an open doorway near her, a strange chirping/hooting noise was heard followed by something small being thrown out of the doorway.

The tall woman stopped and blinked when she saw something come sailing out of the doorway. Why did a large part of her want to stop and investigate? She could only assume that came from her background as a Security officer in the past. At least, according to her file. Still, though, did she really want to deal with an irate individual right now? No. Which prompted her to keep moving forward.

A second later, a small furry blur with a white face that stood about a foot tall came out of the room and screeched when it saw her. It looked up at the woman and a glint of something crossed its simian eyes before it took a step towards her on four legs.

"What..." the tall woman said as she stopped abruptly. Joey had no idea what the little thing was, but she found herself taking a step back. "I... I think I hear my..." What the hell was it with all these critters?

Chow took another step towards her and gave a hoot, then brought one paw up to its lips before it motioned to her with the same hand.

"I don't know what you want, but I can't help you with it," she did, taking another step backwards. Did this... creature... come aboard with the observers that were on the ship? "Go find the ones you came here with. They'll know what you want."

Now the little monkey stood up on his back legs and rubbed his stomach, then hooted and brought his paws up to his chest before he pointed at hers and gave a big monkey grin.

"No, no," Joey said shaking her head and holding her hands out. She didn't need to have her memory to know what he was gesturing, and there was no way he was going to get what he wanted.

Chow hooted again and made a pitiful sound before he sat down on his back legs and looked up at her, then rubbed his stomach once more in hopes she had something.

It suddenly dawned on her that the little critter was hungry, but she didn't have anything to feed him, nor did she know where to acquire food from. What baffled her was that there were so many people on board the ship, so they had to eat somehow. "You're hungry... but I don't know where to get you any food from," she said with a frown. Joey couldn't leave him there. "Come on... let's see what we can find."

The little simian listened to her even if he didn't understand her, but she hadn't run from him. He stood up again and approached her cautiously and looked up at her again with another small hoot.

When he approached this time, the tall woman didn't back away. In fact, she crouched down and extended a hand in his direction. If he needed food, she would have to be the one to get it for him since he was so small. That made opening doors next to impossible for him. "It's okay... come on," she urged him.

Chow cautiously reached out to take her hand in his paw, then pointed to the room he had been ransacking and gave a hoot.

Joey smiled at the little simian and gave his little paw a tug, hoping he would allow her to pick him up. They'd be able to cover more ground. "It's okay. Come on."

He cast one more glance at the room, then went to where the woman was taking him, hoping that food was involved. Still, he couldn't help but look up at her chest and wonder why she wouldn't feed him then and there.

She scooped the little guy up and looked to the quarters he was ransacking. Maybe there was something in there, but she did want to get to her own domicile. Would there be anything for her to feed him there, though? "Maybe we'll get lucky," she said, getting to her feet and walked into the quarters he was looking around in. "If only you could talk."

Chow gave a startled hoot when the woman picked him up and twisted around briefly before his face hit the side of her chest. He stopped and looked at it, then up at her, wondering if she were going to feed him there after all. He reached up his small paws and poked at the massive fabric-covered mound in front of him, then looked up at her.

Joey shook her head and moved his little hand away from her chest. "That's a no-no, little one," she said, looking around for something that the Capuchin might like.

He gave a sad hoot and looked up at her again as he tried to figure out why she was tormenting him so. He felt his stomach growl and nestled against her, hoping that she would have food for him soon.

It took a while longer than she wanted it to, but Joey came across something in a wrapper that looked like it could be edible. She flipped it in her hand and read the label. "Granola bar... this should be okay," the tall woman said, tearing the package open and breaking off a piece to exam before handing it to Chow. "Here you go. Enjoy."

Chow took the piece of granola and sniffed it, then licked it. He paused and then gave a happy chirp-hoot sound and shoved it in his mouth before he started to crunch it happily.

Joey smiled. "I'm glad you like it. Now... you can come with me while I try to figure out a little more about myself," she said as she walked out with him and the rest of the granola bar. It was then that she saw it. They were just in room ten, which meant six wasn't too far away. "We're nearly there, little one."

He held his paw out for more of it and nodded his head enthusiastically. Of course, he had no idea of what she was saying, but she fed him and that made him happy.

Breaking another piece off, the tall woman handed another piece over to her furry companion as they moved down the corridor. It didn't take long before they reached their destination, and once outside the door, Joey found herself hesitating and taking a deep breath. She had no idea what waited for her on the other side, but there was only one way to find out. "What do you think, little one? Should we go in?"

For his part, Chow was content to chew on the granola but paused long enough to give a hoot and pointed at the door, then patted her stomach.

"You sure are touchy feely, aren't you?" Joey asked as she stepped forward, activating the sensors that opened the door. She took a cautious step inside and looked around. There were things strewn about which seemed to match the rest of the ship, but what came as a total surprise was the movement she saw out the corner of her eye.

Rico saw the door open and rose to his feet, limping his way to her with a low whine. He'd been hurt somewhere along the line, but the fact he was able to walk on it, albeit slowly, told her the leg was likely unbroken. She crouched down and held out a hand toward him, letting his sniff her before he gave it a lick. He didn't know her, but knew she could help.

"Hey..." she said softly, reaching out to pet him. "Are you okay?"

A second animal appeared... this one a lot fluffier than the other... and eyed the newcomer. He didn't recognize her, but could smell her all around. That made her okay in his book.

The moment the little monkey saw the two dogs, all bets were off. He grabbed the granola from the woman's hand, gave a screeching creel and hauled his tail in the opposite direction at his top speed.

Joey watched the little furry creature take off and shook her head. If he wanted help, he should have stuck around, but she'd worry about that later. She rubbed Rico on the head and saw something glint in the light. Reaching for his collar, she took the object in her hand and read what it said. "Rico... is that your name?" the tall woman asked, flipping the tag over. On the other side, it had her name and room number.

She turned her attention toward Pequeno and called him over. The large ball of fluff cautiously made his way over and gave her a sniff before settling down. Joey grabbed the tag hanging from his collar and read it. "Pequeno. That's pretty unusual," she commented, flipping it. Like Rico's, it bared the same information on it. "So, you two are mine, huh?" She reached out to rub them both on their heads. "There's a medical facility on board... maybe I should take you both to get looked at. As much as I want to know more about myself, you two need to come first."

The tall woman rose to her feet after petting them once more, then got to her feet. She scanned the main area to find something she could use to secure them so they weren't running loose, then grabbed two long rope-like things that looked like they clipped onto something. Those would work. Joey clipped them onto their collars and made her way out into the corridor with them.

A high pitched creeling-sucking-popping sound was heard from the doorway as Chow peeked his head around the corner an waved frantically at the woman who given him food, as if he were trying to get her to leave with him.

Joey turned toward the sound and saw her little friend. With a smile, she made her way over to him and took him by his little paw to settle him on her shoulder. "I can't leave you behind."

He wrapped his tail around her neck and made another popping sound, then a hoot and waited to see what the female would do next. However, he would keep an eye on the furry things with her.


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