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Posted on 18 Oct 2018 @ 10:16pm by Ensign Aurilia Moretti & Lieutenant Lucas Abrams M.D.

1,337 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Fractured
Location: Medical
Timeline: MD 1 || 1600 Hours

The redheaded fighter pilot stepped off the turbolift and staggered towards Medical with a hand held to her bloody and bruised head. It didn't help that everyone had been poisoned, but she had to wonder which was worse as she entered Sickbay and saw it was flooded with crew members seeking medical attention for one thing or another. She took a deep breath and smelled sickness in the air as she made her way towards what looked like a harried Medical Ensign desperately taking names and looking for places to put everyone.

When she made it to the front, she gave her name to the Ensign and her most obvious problem, that being the gash and goose egg on her forehead, then moved aside to let the next person give their name and problem. She hoped to see Luc again, but she didn't know if he was alive or dead and could only do one thing at a time.

Lucas was signing off on a chart when he looked up and spotted Aurilia come into sickbay. He suddenly felt a huge weight off of his shoulders as years welled up in his eyes. She was alive. Thank the Fates... the love of his life was alive. "Aurilia..." he found himself calling, but stopped when he started to choke up. Instead of speaking further, he moved toward her, closing the distance quickly thanks to his lengthy stride, then enveloped her in an embrace.

The sound of her name being called pulled her somewhat dazed attention to the behemoth of a doctor and she sobbed as he took her in his arms. She could only wrap her arms partly around him, but the solid warmth of the gentle giant made her grateful that he was still alive. "Luc," she whispered. "Never thought I'd see you again," she managed, her words muffled as she spoke against his broad chest.

He couldn't muster the words to speak at the moment, so he just held her to him, grateful that she was okay. Lucas thought about her quite a bit during the last few hours... hoping, praying that she was alive. Now that he knew she was, he had no plans of letting her out of his sight. At least, not any time soon.

"Luc, babe," Aurilia said as she looked up at him. "I really don't want to ruin this...but could you help me get rid of this knot on my head and maybe something for the radiation poisoning?"

He nodded his head and pulled back only slightly to look at her. "Yes," he answered, gesturing to the biobed he was just standing at. "You'll feel better soon."

The fiery redhead moved to the biobed after reluctantly releasing him and sat on it. Even slightly elevated, she still didn't come up to his shoulders, but he made her feel tall and secure in a way that a bottle never could. "Thank you," she said. "When we we went for that magic carpet ride, I cracked my head on a bench, then had to go flying around the ship."

He winced and grabbed the dermal regenerator to fix the bump in her head first. Luc was glad to have working tools again, which had him thinking back to the Captain. He hoped the senior most officer on board the ship would get treated as soon as possible. The big guy had done the best he could at the time. "You'll be right as rain in no time."

"Is something wrong?" Aurilia sked when she saw him wince, then realized it was probably because of the goose egg on her head. "Or is my brain not working quite right? Part of it wants to drool that there's two of you and the other part wants me to yodel."

"Nothing is wrong aside from the knot on your head and having to go out in a fighter with it," he said, placing the device down on the biobed , then loaded a hypospray with an ampule of Hyronalin. With that done, he pressed it to her neck and injected the medication, then grabbed a tricorder so he could scan her. Lucas wanted to make sure she was right as rain and well on her way to better. "How's your head feeling now?"

"Better, thank you," she said with a smile. "Thank you, Luc. I'm so glad you're okay. I thought you..."

"You're welcome," the big guy said. "I thought the same thing, and I've never been more glad to be wrong in my life."

Aurilia looked up at him, her brown eyes taking on an orangish cast from the light filtering through her hair and reached up to caress his jaw. "I love you, Lucas Abrams and I never want to be separated from you again like that."

Lucas leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. "I love you, too, Aurilia," he said, smiling down at her. "And this has made me realize I don't want to spend another minute of my life without you. Marry me?" The big guy planned to get a proper ring and present it to her as soon as he was able to.

If it were possible for the pale redhead to get paler, she accomplished it when her brain registered what he just asked her. A shiver went up her spine and she started to shake her head. "Yes, yes I will...." she said before her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell back on the biobed she was on in a faint.

"I..." He started, then shut his mouth when she fainted. His hands immediately went for the tricorder and began scanning her for injuries that might have been missed. When Lucas asked the question, the last thing he'd been expecting was something like that, and now her health was in the forefront of his mind once again.

The tricorder didn't pick up anything unusual and Aurilia opened her eyes a minute later. She blinked when she saw him looming over her and smiled. "Hey, I just had the most amazing dream. You asked me to marry you."

"It wasn't a dream, Red. I really did ask you."

"Then yes, yes I will marry you, my gentle giant," Aurilia said softly. "You won my hear, my love and me for eternity, Lucas,:

Lucas smiled and leaned down to kiss her. "I love you, too," he said. "And as much as I would prefer to stay here with you, I need to help get the rest of the crew fixed up. That being said, I'd love it if you stayed with me."

"Okay," she said as she got up and made sure her legs were steady before she tried to walk. "I'll move in and have dinner ready for you by the time you get done here, my love."

"I'm definitely not going to argue with that, but I did mean you staying here in Sickbay with me until things have settled. I can help you move your stuff over."

"I can do that, but I'm not much of a medic," Aurilia replied. "Is there anything I can do? I took basic first aid at the Academy."

Lucas nodded. "We have a few people who are helping. All you'll need to do is administer Hyronalin to those who need it. Anyone else needing further treatment will be required to see someone from medical."

"Just show me what to push and how much and I'll do it," she said.

The large man demonstrated what needed to be done, including a dermal regenerative for minor injuries, then looked to her. "Do you think you can handle that?"

"I can handle that," Aurilia replied after watching and listening. "Now give me a kiss and we can get to work."

He leaned down to kiss her and smiled. "I'll see you just as soon as all of this is over," he said. One thing was for sure... he was going to sleep good after all of this.


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