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Along Came a Spidermunk

Posted on 08 Jun 2020 @ 12:05am by Ensign Denyse Alessandro & Lieutenant Commander Arjin Djinx

661 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Sentience
Location: Science
Timeline: MD 2 || 1300 Hours

Ensign Denyse Alessandro approached the Chief of Science's office and pressed the chime on the interface. She had been looking through the projects Science had and came upon one called Spidermunk and listed a new species they had encountered which reminded people from Earth of a cross between a spider and a large spider. She was very interested in seeing it and having a chance to examine it in detail.

Arjin sighed as the chime of his office once more rang. He laid down the PADD he had been studying. On it the facts and analyses of the astroid belt they were going to visit after those obligatory war games were over.
"Come", was all he said.

Denyse entered the office after a quick tug of her uniform bottom and came to formal rest. "Good afternoon, Sir. I'm Ensign Alessandro and I have a request, Sir."

Arjin looked at the Ensign with the monocular eye and special hair cut. "I know who you are Ensign. Part of the job. What is it I can do for you today?"

She held up her left cybernetic hand with a PADD in it and offered it to him. "Yes, Sir," she said. "I would like to have the opportunity to study the strange creatures that came aboard at DS 15."

Arjin took the PADD an looked at the image presented. It was an ugly thing to him.
"What do we know of them?", he asked. "Are they veminous?"
"Please sit.", he said in an afterthougt.

Denyse took the seat and kept her expression neutral about his questions. "Actually, Sir," she said. "I'd like the opportunity to study them and find out the answers to those questions and more."

"What commodities would you need for a secure survey?", he asked.

"Just access to them," the Xenoarachnologist replied. "I already have a secure lab set up thanks to your Assistant Chief."

"Good. I will clear you then for access. Will you be working with a team or alone?"

"I prefer to work alone until I understand my opponents," Denyse said with a disarming smile.

Two things sent off an alarm inside Arjin's head. He started with one of them. "Why do you refer to the subjects of your study as 'your opponents'?", he asked in a disarmingly voice.

She held up her cybernetic left hand. "This is why," she said. "One took my real hand when I was an infant."

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear this. Nevertheless, I would feel better if you would co-ordinate your effort with someone else. We really don't know much about those creatures."

"From what I've read so far, they're merely invasive, but not poisonous," Denyse said. "As the resident Xenoarchnologist, I'm the only person qualified for this unique perspective. However, if you wish to assign someone with me, I can't refuse, Sir."

"No, you are right Ensign. It is your field of expertise. I should let you do you job. Go ahaid. But make sure to put in a regular update of your progress."

"How is your posting on the Black Hawk working out so far?", he asked her.

"Aye, sir," she said as she brushed a lock of her hair from the right side of her face. "Considering it's my second day of active duty and the ship has had dozens of unexpected issues popping up, I'm not certain."

"Well we will get those issues out of the way, I'm sure. I hope you will get to like the Black Hawk. She's a good ship. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"No, sir, but if I do, I'll contact you right away," Denyse said. "it was a pleasure to meet you, Sir."

Arjin nodded. "Likewise, Ensign. Good luck with the critters."

"Thank you, Sir." With a smile, she turned and headed out.

"Your welcome. Dismissed.", he mumbled after te ensign had left he room.



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