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Orders from Command

Posted on 11 Oct 2015 @ 9:21pm by Captain Harvey Geisler & Commodore Juliana Terlexa

1,013 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Rude Awakening
Location: DS11 || Gamma Command
Timeline: MD 6 || 0900 hours

The blue shimmer of the transporter beam faded away, allowing Harvey's eyes to see the Administrative Offices of Gamma Command. Little noise penetrated his hearing outside of the traditional whirring of the life support systems. Harvey was also quick to note additional security nearby, at least two guards per door. Evidently, things must've been worse than Harvey had thought.

In fact, two additional guards approached Harvey. One had a phaser rifle at the ready while the other scanned Harvey with a tricorder. After what seemed like an hour, the guard with the tricorder nodded at a nearby engineer. The engineer nodded in reply and tapped a couple buttons on a panel. Harvey then heard the sound of a forcefield dropping. A expression of surprise emblazoned his face, primarily in that he didn't hear the usual electricity in the air when one was in use.

Regardless, he stepped forward towards the main deck to greet the aide. "Captain Geisler to see Captain Terlexa."

* * *

Juliana Terlexa laid out breakfast on the small conference table in her office. She didn't enjoy having to see Geisler again, but she had to maintain appearances, and protect her cover.

A fresh coffee pot, hot croissants, and assorted jams were laid out on the table, alongside the data padds that contained the mission orders she would give the Black Hawk Captain.

The door chime rang. She ordered the door to open, and Geisler walked in. The sight of the ever-loyal Starfleet poster boy churned her stomach, but she smiled and welcomed him.

"I hope you haven't had breakfast," she said. "Or perhaps just coffee? It's so rare to get unreplicated coffee around here."

"Someone screw up the coffee shipments?" Harvey asked, a weak smirk on his face as he helped himself to a mug of coffee. He'd always preferred the real stuff to the replicator and kept a private stash in his quarters for the right occasion.

Terlexa smiled as she poured her own cup. "Being the de facto Federation embassy in the quadrant does offer certain advantages," she conceded. "I'll have a few crates shipped to the Black Hawk," she added with a wink, dropping her voice to a conspiratory whisper.

She picked up a data padd. "Now then," she began. "The USS O'Carroll. Are you familiar with it?"

"Not terribly familiar," Harvey said, sipping the coffee. It had been prepared just the way he liked it, black and strong. "I haven't seen many of the fleet readiness reports since coming back from the fringe."

"The O'Carroll is an Akira-class starship," continued Terlexa, "under the command of Commodore O'Connell. The Commodore turned to the Consortium. We believe his crew is unaware of his defection, and are simply following orders. The O'Carroll has been operating at the edge of our controlled space. They've been targeting medical convoys, which our JAG officer believes to be a war crime.

Harvey tensed at the mention of O'Connell's name. He hadn't heard that name in years. Surely it wasn't the same guy he met once as a cadet. There were plenty of O'Connell's in Starfleet... At least there had to be.

"Your mission is to bring in the O'Carroll. Secure the ship, arrest O'Connell and the rest of his senior staff, if possible. If not, the use of deadly force is authorized. But these attacks on medical convoys have to stop."

"What a crazy son of a..." Harvey's voice trailed off, thinking that Terlexa's office wasn't the best place to be so frank. Not with guards outside. "Do you have any data on how he attacks the convoys? Or where he was last seen?" He had a million other questions. It was likely his Akira would be outgunned, especially since the 325th had been transferred off several months ago. How was he expected to bring a Commodore to justice?

"Their last attack took place just outside the Gavara system," said Terlexa. "I'm sorry, I know you don't think you have the firepower to take on the O'Carroll, but the simple fact is that you're the closest ship in range who's capable of even attempting it. Most of our other ships are still undergoing repairs following Consortium attacks, or simply don't have the speed necessary to catch up to him."

How'd she know that? Harvey thought, wondering how she knew he didn't think his ship was up to the task. Shrugging it off with a sigh, he took another drink of coffee. "I'm going to need some teeth," Harvey said, looking Terlexa in the eye. "An escort ship or two? Maybe a starfighter flight. I don't suppose you have any of that handy, do you?"

Terlexa put down her coffee cup and got to her feet. She walked over to her desk and picked up another data padd. She tapped a few keys, and finally looked up at Geisler. "I can transfer a squadron of fighters from the USS Halifax to the Black Hawk. Captain Smith won't be happy, but your mission takes precedence."

Harvey smiled. Just having a couple fighters aboard would restore a strong sense of morale to the Black Hawk. Hopefully, he'd be able to keep them there this time. "I assume you'll want us to get underway immediately. And, destroying the O'Carroll is an extreme last resort, yes?"

Terlexa frowned, shocked at Geisler's suggestion. "Of course!" she exclaimed. "We want O'Connell to be arrested, and we want him to stand trial for his crimes. But the rest of his crew shouldn't have to die for simply following orders."

He nodded. "The quadrant has seen too many die for the mistakes of others," he commented. "Let's hope this can be resolved quickly." If this were the same man he thought of, it was highly possible that this would be anything but easy.

Terlexa nodded, and finished her coffee. "Then let me wish you Godspeed, Captain," she said.

Harvey picked up the PADD containing the mission orders. "Thanks," he muttered after finishing his mug of coffee. "Sounds like we'll need it."


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