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You Are Cordially Invited

Posted on 17 Mar 2016 @ 9:13am by Captain Harvey Geisler & Senior Chief Petty Officer Mila Rasputin

677 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Outbreak
Location: Yeoman's Office/Ready Room
Timeline: Current

Senior Chief Petty Officer Mila Rasputin sat at the small desk which she had been assigned and attended to the duties of the Captain. Granted, it was mostly sending memos to department heads, forwarding reports to him and other administrative work, but it was a job she knew well and was comfortable working with little more than a terminal or a PADD most of the time.

She was surprised when the terminal screen flashed an incoming message from Yolvanda II and activated the screen to receive. "Senior Chief Petty Officer Rasputin on the USS Black Hawk," Mila said with a trace of her Russian accent. "How may I be of assistance?"

"This is Administrator Falow," replied the smiling Wadi through the terminal. "It is a great pleasure to meet you, Senior Chief Petty Officer Rasputin."

"The pleasure is mine, Administrator Falow," Mila responded with a smile. "How may I help you?"

"I was just speaking with your Captain--a pleasant fellow I must say--and I've invited him to dinner. I told him I'd send you the official invitation and the transport coordinates."

"I am sure he will enjoy it very much, Administrator Falow," Mila said. "I am ready to receive so that I may give it to him." She put an isolinear chip in the slot and waited for the Wadi to send it to her.

"Here it comes," Falow replied, tapping a couple buttons on his end. "There. You should have it all."

Camila checked the transmission. "Received, Administrator Falow," she said. "I look forward to enjoying Yolvanda II myself when I get an opportunity."

The Wadi's smile grew at her statement. "I hope that opportunity comes soon. There's much to offer here, and for helping me with your Captain, I find myself indebted to you. Anything I can do to make your stay more... pleasurable, please just ask."

"Thank you," Mila said. "I am certain that I will find everything to my liking. Is there anything else I can help facilitate in the meantime between you and Captain Geisler?"

"Just make sure he and his plus one are here promptly at 1900." His smile faded slightly. "I don't like it when my guests are late."

"I will, Administrator Falow," Mila said. She took great pride in her position and despite any personal feelings, did her job with the most efficiency possible. "He will be there if I have to personally have to deliver him and his guest."

The Wadi's smile returned to full intensity. "Excellent! Well, I shall not continue to bother you. Have a pleasant stay, and enjoy New Risa." Immediately, the screen went black.

Mila ended the transmission on her side and removed the isolinear chip. She had no idea who the Captain would take as his plus one, but she expected it would be the Executive Officer as she got up and headed to the bridge. "Captain?" she asked as she approached him. "I have a confirmation for you and a plus one at Ambassador Falow's place at nineteen hundred hours. He said he doesn't like late guests, Sir."

Harvey looked up from the PADD he was reading. They'd only been in orbit a few minutes, leaving Harvey quite impressed with how fast Falow moved.

It also meant that Harvey now had little freedom in regards to his evening plans. If it were just he and Administrator Falow, it would be one thing. But having to bring a plus one...

"Thank you, Chief," Harvey said, nervously taking the chip.

"You are welcome, Sir," Mila said. "Will there be anything else?"

After taking a moment to think about it, Harvey shook his head. "I think I'll be heading to meet Ja... Heading to sickbay for now." With that, he rose from his chair and headed for the turbolift.

"Yes, Sir," she said, but kept her voice neutral and professional when she noticed his near slip at familiarity with the Chief Medical Officer. It is none of my concern she thought before giving an absent nod and headed by to her office.


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