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Plotting and Confessions

Posted on 28 Jun 2016 @ 9:41am by Lieutenant Commander Joey Geisler & Senior Chief Petty Officer Mila Rasputin

5,342 words; about a 27 minute read

Mission: Risky Business
Location: Mila's Quarters
Timeline: MD 2 || 2200 hours

Joey paced the floor in her quarters. Harvey had made great strides when it came to opening up and taking the time to break free from the wall he'd built around himself. She was incredibly proud of him for that, and planned to keep moving him forward. Maybe she'd teach him how to hula dance... or start with guitar lessons. There were a lot of things he could be doing aside from keeping himself locked away inside his quarters when he wasn't on duty.

Suddenly, she stopped moving as an idea began to form. Oh... it was harmless enough, but she'd need help. Moving over to the coffee table, Joey grabbed her PADD. "Computer... locate Senior Chief Petty Officer Mila Rasputin."

"Senior Chief Petty Officer Rasputin is currently on Deck Thirteen, Room One Three One Three." The computer responded.

With a destination in mind, Joey tucked her PADD under her arm and checked on Rico before she made her way out to the nearest turbolift. Once inside, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Deck thirteen." The ride would give her a chance to think about how she wanted to go about doing what she had in mind. Maybe it would anger Harvey, but her hope was that it wouldn't. He already proved to have an amazing sense of humor. Maybe he'd even be willing to play prank wars with her. She'd be on board.

Joey stepped out into the corridor and turned in the direction she knew Mila's quarters would be in. This all depended on the Russian woman and if she'd be willing to help her or not. If her answer was no, then she'd find another way. It would be harder, but not impossible. She stopped in front of the door, and without any hesitation, she rang the chime.

Mila sat her in her quarters tossing grapes and pistachio nuts at Chow as he leaped, jumped and dove from one piece of furniture to another in an elaborate series of moves. A song played in the background and the soft scent of vanilla lingered in the room. She wore a old gray sweatshirt with the hoodie pulled up and a pair of matching sweatpants.

When the chime rang, she wondered if Harvey had came for something and ordered the computer to pause the music and came to her feet while she motioned for Chow to the back of the couch. The little Capuchin gave a hoot and scampered to the couch while she went to the door and pressed the release. When it opened, she was surprised to see an incredibly tall woman standing there that she recognized as the Chief K-9 Handler who had came aboard at Unity.

"How am I to be helping you, Lieutenant Corwin?" Mila asked as her mind supplied the woman's name and rank.

This was exactly the woman she'd been looking for based on the image her personnel file included. She offered her a smile. "Joey, please. I know you don't really know me, and I'd like to change that, but do you have a moment where you and I might be able to talk... privately?" This was definitely not a conversation she wanted to have in a hallway where others might be able to overhear it.

"Da," Mila said and stepped aside to allow Joey to come in. Chow perked up, then stood up on his back legs and gave a series of hoots and small shrieks before his hands went to his furry chest, then pointed at Joey's. "Chow!" she blushed and laughed at the same time as the door closed. "I am sorry, Joey...he...lacks manners at times. He is my companion here."

Laughing, Joey shook her head as she moved farther into the living room where the little monkey was. "It's okay, Miss Rasputin. Think nothing of it. Chow is not the first to notice."

"Please to be calling me Mila if you are to be called Joey," Mila said in her Russian accent. "Are you wishing something to drink before you are telling me what is on your mind?" Meanwhile, Chow continued to ogle her as if she had two bunches of bananas under her shirt.

"Tea with sugar, please. Is it okay if I sit?" Corwin asked, gesturing to the couch.

"Da," Mila said while Chow slowly moved closer as she moved to the replicator. "Two Deejarling-Black Currant tea, hot with sugar in one, four strawberries and two muffins, please," she said and waited until the it replicated what she asked for. She took the set and moved back where she set it on the coffee table before she looked at Joey again.

"So what is on your mind, Joey?" she asked her politely.

"Well," She began as she settled down on the couch and placed her PADD on her lap. "I was hoping you might be able to help me with something. You are, of course, well within your rights to tell me no, but I've been doing my best the last couple of days to help Captain Geisler break out of his shell. It seems to be working a bit, too."

Mila settled down beside of her after taking her mug of tea and a strawberry. "I have noticed that he is being more receptive the past few days," she said noncommittally. "Is to be good thing, da?"

"It is," Joey agreed with a smiled, taking a cup of tea. "Captain Geisler has a pretty good sense of humor, and I was thinking perhaps you'd be willing to help me prank him. As his Yeoman, you have the best access there is to him. I can assure you, what I have in mind won't cause him harm in any way."

Mila's face lit up when the other woman mentioned a prank and a delightfully mischievous crossed her features. "I am thinking that I am to be accommodating in this matter, Joey," she said. Meanwhile, on the back of the couch, Chow casually moved down over to where Joey sat and slid one paw down the front of her shirt between the objects that fascinated him.

Joey let out a startled squeal and her hand immediately went to the furry little arm that was currently in her shirt. This was definitely a first for her. She turned her attention to the little Capuchin and began to remove his appendage from her shirt. "No matter what you think, my furry little friend, there is nothing in there for you. I promise."

"Chow!" Mila exclaimed, completely mortified. "Vy izvrashchenets!" The universal translator built into the combadge automatically translated her Russian phrase to 'you pervert!'.

"I am not knowing what is coming over him," she said as she flushed. "Go to your bed, Chow. Go!" Chagrined, the little Capuchin held the paw that had been down Joey's shirt, then he gave a hoot and scampered off the bed which was in Mila's room. "Please to be forgiving him, Joey. He has never been like that before. How am I to be making up to you?"

Corwin shook her head and laughed. "That's the first time anything quite like that has ever happened to me before, but I assure you, I forgive him. It's no secret they're curious creatures. For all we know, he could have thought I was harboring something edible down my shirt."

When Joey laughed and brushed it off, Mila relaxed. "I am not thinking he was searching for snack," she said a bit ruefully even though a chuckle escaped her lips. "Especially with way he reacted when you first came. Are you sure that you are okay?"

"I'm fine," Joey assured her. "A bit shocked, but I'm fine. I can add that to my list of firsts."

"I am thankful you are not to be pressing charges," Mila said before she lifted a strawberry and took bite, followed by a sip of her tea. From her room came a series of hoots and little noises that sounded suspiciously like laughter. "Chow...." she warned, then laughed. "As long as he stays in there..."

Looking toward the room, Joey expected to see the little face of the critter peeking around the corner, but when she didn't, she looked back over to Mila. "I don't have handcuffs that small, so I won't be arresting him this time." Her tone was light, which indicated she was definitely joking.

"Are you to be hearing that, izvrashchenets?" Mila called towards the bedroom. "Next time, you will be hooting Capuchin Blues while in brig and I am not to be calling in favor with Captain for you." She waited until a sassy hoot answered her and shook her head before she looked back at Joey. "So what is prank that you are having in mind?"

"I want to fill the Harvey's living room with balloons," The taller woman answered. "When he opens his door, they'll spill out over him and the hallway."

Mila took note of the fact that the other woman's use of the Captain's name and wondered how much time she had been spending with him. The rumor that he was with Doctor Kij had been confirmed by him to her personally but then again, Harvey had expressed an interest in making more friends. "I am thinking that is very good idea, Joey," she said with a smile. "In fact, I am liking it very much."

Joey lit up. "Really? Oh, Mila, you just made my night!" It was impossible hide the fact she was absolutely giddy. "The problem is... is keeping him busy long enough to make it happen without him getting suspicious."

"I am his Yeoman, Joey," Mila pointed out. "I am capable enough to keep him busy while we are to be doing this. He has been doing shipwide inspections and is very busy." She thought for a moment, then nodded. "In fact, it will be easy to do when he is on duty. I can cover us with ease. What are you to be doing at lunch tomorrow?"

"Nothing that I know of," She answered. "I'll have to go to my place to change first. For some reason, I just couldn't be in uniform when I did it and have a clear conscience."

Mila laughed. "What if we are to be entering his quarters through Jeffries Tubes?" she asked. "No one would be seeing us and you can be saying that you are on investigation if one is getting nosey about business."

"You're a genius, Mila. Maybe we can leave something behind so he has an idea who did it, but won't know for sure."

"Hmm...what if we are to be drawing design on two balloons of our likenesses?" Mila asked. "Or replicate two balloons with our faces on them."

"I like that idea, but what do you think about a monkey on a surfboard?" Joey asked.

Mila laughed. "Monkey on surfboard holding balloons with our faces on them!"

Corwin laughed. "That's perfect! I absolutely love that idea." Now, she just hoped Harvey wouldn't be angry with them. She'd help clean the mess up, or even do it all if he felt the need to sit down and supervise. "I did think his place could use a bit of color."

"Harvey is going to be loving this," Mila said. "Or he is to be throwing us under brig for rest of our careers."

"Let's hope it's the first one," Joey said with a smile. "You're a pretty good sport, Mila, and I think you and I are going to get along great."

Mila gave a devious smile. "Is not in my record, but I am having history of playing pranks," she said proudly. "Have never been caught, either. This, though...I am knowing that Harvey will be liking this and will have much needed laugh. He has been too distant with everything that has happened to him since Dominion War."

"I haven't known him as long as you have, but I can agree with that," She said, taking a sip of her tea. "He is a great guy. Anyone who takes a second to actually get know the man behind the pips would be able to see it."

"He has only recently realized that he has been denying himself the rewards of friendship," Mila said. "When we were having problems with Consortium agents on ship, former Chief of Security phasered him and he told me that he saw his wife telling him that she wanted him to be happy."

"He definitely deserves to be," Joey commented softly. She had no idea he'd been phasered, but then again, they were only at the getting to know you stage of things.

"He did not even realize how unhappy he was until that happened, but he is now trying to make up for it," Mila said. "In fact, several hours ago, he was here having dinner with me and telling me many things."

"I went to see him not too long ago," Corwin said. "We talked for a little bit, then I went back to my place before the idea struck me. That's how I came to be here."

"You are coming to right place," Mila said. "We are to be having blast with this and no one is going to notice replicator usage for balloons or small things like monkey with surfboard. I am having extra replicator privileges saved and being Captain's Yeoman helps with such things."

"I'm going to help out as far as replicating things goes. I'll start when I get back to my place. Blowing them up will be a pain, but it will be worth it in the end." She looked toward the direction of the bedroom out of the corner of her eye to make sure the handsy simian wasn't slowly creeping his way toward her again. Joey found herself laughing. If Harvey got upset about the prank they were going to be playing on him, he wouldn't be the second she told him what she went through to make it happen.

Sure enough, Chow stood in the doorway watching her and grinned when he saw her watching him before he brought his paws to his chest in a cupping gesture, then scampered back into the bedroom.

Mila had been taking a bite of her muffin when she saw Joey look toward the bedroom and nearly choked when the little simian made the rude gesture. "I am going to have monkey furred ushanka soon," she muttered as she took a drink of her tea to clear her throat. "We are to be having this taken care of soon," she assured Joey. "How many balloons are we wanting?"

Joey shook her head with a smile, then looked back to Mila. "What do you think about two... maybe three hundred balloons?"

"Is good number," she agreed. "I will replicate monkey with surfboard and balloons with our images, and half of three hundred. It would be good to have air pump of some kind, but cannot replicate in quarters and questionable use of power to use industrial replicator for non-ship usage."

“We’ll have to stick with old fashioned lung power, then. I don’t want to give any cause for suspicion, and using the industrial replicator would definitely do that. We want to be as discreet as possible,” Corwin said. “I’ll replicate the other half of the balloons.”

“I am seeing major problem,” Mila said after a moment. “It will be taking us hours to blow up balloons old fashioned way….but how are we to be getting them from our quarters to his?”

“We’d have to blow them up at his place. Transporting them from our quarters to his would not go unnoticed.”

“I am doubting we could spend several hours missing from duty without being noticed,” Mila pointed out. “We are going to have to replicate filled balloons at his quarters so it will go faster. I am having high level access and could do it easily once we are there.”

Joey canted her head. That was probably the better idea. “That’s what we’ll do, then. Of course, he’ll know who did it based on the surfboard and monkey, and if that doesn’t give it away, that balloons with our faces on it definitely will.” She couldn’t help but laugh. “And should he get upset about it, I’ll make sure he knows exactly what I went through to make it all happen. He’ll definitely get a laugh out of that.”

Mile laughed. “Da. We are not trying to hide what we are doing,” she pointed out, then a look crossed her face. “I am thinking….what if we are hiding in his quarters when he returns from duty and jump out of balloons?”

“Oh, that’s brilliant. Or… we could let him come in and start popping them, then find us lying under them,” she suggested.

“You are having much better idea...until he steps on us,” Mila said a second later.

Joey laughed. “If he does that, he’ll end up on the floor with us.”

“Oh my,” Mila laughed. “Is good idea. What time are you thinking for tomorrow? Three hundred filled balloons should not take replicator more than fifteen minutes to make.”

“I’m on Alpha, as are you and the Captain. It would be best to do it then. Do you think you can find something that will require his attention to keep him busy during lunch, but still give him a chance to eat?” The taller woman asked.

“Da,” Mila said. “I will have arrangements made through Talon’s or Officer's Mess to have lunch made for him. He is liking Russian food and I think he would not turn it down. He is saying that he wishes to get out more to meet crew.”

“Then we have a time. I'm glad he want to meet more of the crew, too. He should make friends,” Joey said. She took another sip of her tea and grinned. “He’s going to be in for quite the shock, but a harmless one. Unless he’s terrified of balloons.”

“He is planning to make friends already,” Mila said. “If he is scared of balloons, then we are to be prepared to spend forever on abandoned mining asteroid with only Chow to keep us company.” At the sound of his name, the little simian came out of her bedroom with a hoot.

“I don’t think he’d do that. His life would be pretty boring without us in it. He needs people that care about him, and if we didn’t, we wouldn’t be taking the time out of our days plotting against him like we are.” Joey quickly turned her attention toward the little Capuchin as he made his way out of the bedroom. Now, she was on guard. What was the little creature going to pull now?

“Come, Chow,” Mila said and pointed at the back of a chair near them. “But you are to be keeping paws to yourself.” Chow hooted softly and went to the chair, but he kept his eyes firmly on Joey as he sat down again. She looked back at Joey and gave a helpless shrug and a thoughtful look. “I am having question, Joey,” she said.

“Ask away.”

“Are you interested in him?”

“Yes,” Joey answered softly, unsure if she should even admit that to anyone. In her entire career, she'd never been interested in her CO before. Harvey, the man, was different. She wanted to get to know him better, and see if anything could happen, but he needed time to figure himself out. He needed friends who would help him along the way... not hinder him. She was sure she could do that. In fact, she wanted to. If nothing else, they'd have a lot of fun along the way. “I know I'm out of my mind, so you don't have to tell me so."

"You are not out of mind," Mila told her. "He is good man and worth attention and more. I am hoping he is able to find what he is looking for. It was not Doctor Kij as they are no longer together."

"He'll find what he's looking for. When we went surfing last night, he proved he's got the drive and determination not to give up," The taller woman said. "He'll find himself again before we know it."

"He told me and that he had a lot of fun," she said. "He looked very happy when he said this to me and that he was having much fun with you."

Joey smiled. "I had a lot of fun with him, too. He's a great student, and he's got incredible patience. That must come from his medical background."

"I am not knowing that, but I am glad that he is able to relax and get out more," Mila said. "I was worried about him."

“I can assure you I have his best interests at heart. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out he was just going through the motions outside of Captain Geisler, doing just enough to keep people off of his back before withdrawing himself to the sanctuary that come in the form of his quarters. I’m a former Close Protection Officer,” She said, not wanting to rush into anything. Joey definitely wanted Harvey to have a chance to find himself once again. So, for now, friends would be more than enough until he was ready to jump back on that horse.

“Is good you are Close Protection Officer. He is needing friends more than that and I am thinking we would make very good ones.” Mila paused for a moment. “When he was shot by former Chief of Security, I visited him in Sickbay and thought maybe a show of personal aff..attention would cheer him up. I sang old Russian song and made tea for him, but he was not receptive to degree I would have wished.”

She took a breath. “When I learned that he was with Doctor Kij, I am admitting that I was jealous, which is not easy thing for Russian woman, but now I have noticed that he has changed recently and I am seeing now that it was because of his separation from Doctor Kij and the time you have spent with him ”

Joey ran a hand through her hair as she listened to Mila speak. She liked the Russian woman, and could even see herself being pretty great friends with her. They both seemed to care a great deal about Harvey, his well-being, and overall happiness. Sure, Mila had known him a lot longer than she did, but she and the Captain were still in the getting to know one another stage. Hell, she didn’t even know if there was anything for the two of them in the future, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t try at some point when the time was right. It was just… that time wasn’t right now. “Mila… I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but if anyone knows discretion, it would be you. My first night on board, the Captain and I found ourselves in Talon’s together. We had a drink, talked for a little while… I told him he needed some kind of excitement in his life. I made it my personal duty to see to it that it happened. We went to the holodeck. I started to teach him how to surf, which he seems to appreciate about as much as I do.”

Like Mila, she paused to take a much needed breath and let it out slowly. “We were both really excited because he managed to stand and rode a wave for a few seconds. I mean… he actually got to feel the rush… the adrenaline high it can give a person. It was getting late, and I told him he should stay a while longer and enjoy everything. Before I left, though, I… kissed him.”

Mila’s eyes went wide and she looked at the other woman for a minute, then she laughed. “I would not have had courage to do such,” she said. “I dared to touch his cheek in Sickbay, but that was all. are having spirit, Joey and I am thinking that spirit is good to be rubbing off on Harvey. I am having man now, but I am telling you this as promise: If and when time is right, I am to be on your side. Although, I am curious. You are kissing him, you said...but you are not in Brig or this meaning he liked it despite being with someone?”

“I don’t know,” Joey answered truthfully. “I swam away right afterward.”

Mila smiled and reached out a hand to lay on Joey’s. “I am thinking that if he is not pushing you away or telling you that you are out of order...when times comes, he may be returning the same with you.”

“I’m… not so sure about that,” Corwin said, giving Mila’s hand a pat after placing her tea on the coffee table. “Time will tell, I suppose, but for now… we’re just friends.”

“A friend is what I am being to him,” Mila said. “And in time, I am thinking you and he could be more than friends.” While they spoke, Chow had gotten off the back of the chair and made his way across to the couch where he sat on the floor looking up at Joey in fascination.

“I don’t know. Maybe. All I know if I’m not going to push for anything. If he wants to pursue something in the future, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t push him away.” Joey felt the little eyes on her and turned her attention to the little simian. “Oh, Chow… it just wouldn’t work out, but you are absolutely adorable.”

“Now that you are coming into his life to teach him to have fun and help him break out of his shell, I am thinking we are seeing a different Harvey,” Mila said before she reached down and scooped Chow up into her lap. “As for you, Chow, if I am catching you doing bad things, I am taking yogurt from you.”

At the mention of yogurt and taking, Chow shook his head vehemently and gave several hoots and creels that sounded like he’d die without it.

“Then behave,” Mila told him as she scritched between his ears.

“I’m not going to read too much into that. It could simply be because he felt it was time for a change, which would mean I didn’t have anything to do with it,” Corwin pointed out. “And I’m certainly not going to ask him otherwise.”

“Time will tell,” Mila replied. “It always does.”

“Yes, it does,” Joey agreed with a smile.

“I will contact you as soon as I know that Harvey is at lunch tomorrow, then we can meet at his quarters and begin fun,” Mila said. “And whatever happens, it will be fun!”

Joey laughed. “I have no doubt about that. I just hope he sees it as such. Time to see if we can bring out the kid in Harvey. We should name it Operation Kid Again.”

Mila joined her in the laugh, then looked worried for a moment. “He is going to be skinning us for using all of his replicator rations,” she said. “But is no worry. I will program it to use mine.”

“You can use some of mine, too. I only use them when I absolutely have to, so I’ve got quite a few we can use.” Now that Mila said that, though, she had to wonder if Harvey would be upset with them. She shook her head and pushed it from her mind. It wasn’t as though they were creating a giant hand covered in shaving cream that would fly toward him the second his door opened. No, this was perfectly harmless.

“Thank you,” she said. “I am usually eating in enlisted mess and chef knows to keep me happy. I am doing favors for him and he is returning favors. Is good to be most powerful enlisted on ship.”

“I imagine it would be,” The taller woman said with a smile. “You and I should get together to hang out after we do this.”

“If we are not hanging out in Brig, I am in agreement,” Mila said. “If we are in brig, then we can still hang out and make Security personnel laugh.”

“I really don’t think he’ll throw us in the brig. He’s been pranked before. A medical tech put dye into a sanitization gel and dyed both of his hands blue,” The brunette woman said. “And he’s done a bit of it himself. He told me he used to mess with his roommate… move things around, change appointments on him. He’s got it in him. We just need to bring it out.”

She gave an evil little chuckle which made Chow look up at her and make a worried sound before he went back to staring at Joey. “I am hoping he is not wanting to get into prank war with me,” she said. “I am his Yeoman and can turn his schedules inside out and send him everywhere on ship for meetings for odd reasons. Normally, I am filtering these requests, but I am subject to forget at times when eidetic memory fails me.” She winked at Joey and started to laugh.

Joey laughed. “I wouldn’t mind if he decided he wanted to go to war with me. As long as no one gets hurt, and everyone remembers it’s all in good fun, then I would be okay with it.”

Mila smiled and took another sip of her tea. “I am thinking that we are to be good friends, da?”

“I definitely think you might be onto something there,” Joey said, taking a sip of her own tea.

“So tomorrow, I will distract him with lunch and flood of PADDs for his attention for minor requests, and while he is doing that, we are to be flooding his quarters with balloons. Is sounding good?” Mila asked her.

“That sounds absolutely perfect. I’ll take care of the surfing monkey tonight when I get back to my place. You can handle the balloons with ours faces, then we can split the balloons. This way… it will all be split right down the middle.” She leaned in to hug Mila carefully since they were both holding tea cups. “Thank you again.”

“You are welcome, Joey.” She returned the hug, careful not to squish Chow who promptly raised his little arms and hugged Joey’s chest before burying his head between them with a happy sound.

Joey pulled back and lifted the little simian so he was at eye level with her. “You, my little simian friend, are something else, you know that?” She looked toward Mila and smiled. “You’ve got your hands full with this little guy.”

Chow grinned from ear to ear, as much as a monkey could and gave a happy hoot with a nod of his head.

Mila laughed at the two of them. “He is wanting to be close friend, da?”

“The closest kind there ever was,” Joey commented, settling the little furball back on the couch. “I suppose I should be heading out. I’ve taken up enough of your time. Thanks again, Mila.”

“You are most welcome, Joey,” she said. “Anytime you are wishing to talk, I am here. Well, unless I am out with boyfriend somewhere.”

“I’ll remember that. Talk to you soon.” She rose to her feet with a smile and made her way out. Things were about to get interesting.


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