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Let's Read a Story

Posted on 17 Aug 2016 @ 8:21am by
Edited on on 21 Aug 2016 @ 6:01pm

645 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Click Three Times
Location: Classroom
Timeline: MD 6 : 1349

“Miss Meri. Miss Meri, are you okay? I think she's waking up. It's okay, don't cry.”

Jessa blinked and looked up into the face of Neville Black, who had a small cut on his forehead, but otherwise appeared unharmed. “What... what happened?” she asked.

“No idea,” said Neville calmly. “We just sort of flew around and then everything went black. It's okay, Serran,” he said to the Vulcan child sitting on the floor nearby. “She's all right, see? Come on. Come over and see.”

“Hey, Serran,” said Jessa, attempting to sit up and exactly failing. “Let me try that again,” she said with a slight laugh to make the kids feel better. This time, she managed to pull herself off the floor. “Come on, Serran, it's all right. I'm okay. Wait, where are Maria and Amy?”

“There dad came and picked them up, remember?” said Neville.

“Oh, that's right,” said Jessa, breathing a sigh of relief. She'd forgotten that. “Come here, Serran, it's okay.”

The small half Vulcan child stood and approached cautiously. Finally, he stood in front of her and pointed at her arm. “Ow,” he said simply.

Jessa looked over to see a bit of a bloody mess. “Oh, my,” she said, calmly; she didn't want to scare him further, did she? “Yes, I suppose that's a problem, isn't it? Let's see... Neville, will you get the medkit from my desk? Bottom drawer, left hand side.”

“Got it!” said Neville jumping up and running to her desk. He returned a moment later with the medkit.

“Okay, let's see,” she said. She'd taken some basic first aide training before coming to the Black Hawk, so she knew what needed to be done. “Now, this,” she said, taking out one of the basic first aide tools, “is a dermal regenerator. I know because my sister is a doctor.” She grinned at Serran.

It did the trick. Serran grinned and sat in front of her.

“But, first, I've got to clean it up and make sure there's nothing in there,” she said, taking out a simple alcohol wipe. “After all, we wouldn't want to seal up a kitten in there, would we?”

Serran grinned again.

“All right,” she said, carefully wiping away the blood. “Yeah, just a cut.” She prodded around to make sure there wasn't any shrapnel stuck in there before sealing up the cut. “Just so,” she declared. “Neville come here and let me fix up your head.”

Once that was done, she checked both boys over for any other cuts, but found only minor bruises and a sizeable lump on Serran's head. “You both feeling okay?” she asked them.

Serran nodded.

“Yes, ma'am,” answered Neville.

“Okay, good,” said Jessa. “Then how about we tell stories for a bit?”

“Shouldn't we go find out parents?” asked Neville uncertainly. Serran nodded emphatically.

“No,” answered Jessa. “In an emergency, it's best to stay in the classroom until you parents come for you. It might be more dangerous outside. So for right now, we'll stay here and tell stories, okay? Oh! I know!” she added, standing and going to her desk. In the top drawer, she found what she was looking for. “Okay, here we go!” she said, taking the book back to the two boys. “My sister lent me this book. She said it's really good, but I haven't had a chance to read it, yet. How about if we read it together?”

Serran looked at the cover of the old-fashioned book and smiled, pointing to the boy riding a broomstick. He nodded and settled himself right next to Jessa, actually hugging her right arm.

“All right,” Neville agreed, settling on Jessa's other side.

“Okay,” said Jessa, opening the book to the first page. “Mr. and Mrs. Dursley of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much....”


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