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Reflection and Relaxation

Posted on 24 Sep 2016 @ 9:24am by Ensign Aidan Crehan & Senior Chief Petty Officer Mila Rasputin

4,729 words; about a 24 minute read

Mission: Click Three Times
Location: Aidan's Quarters, Mila's Quarters
Timeline: MD 7 || 1900 hours

Aidan had been kept very busy in the science department since waking up. Or rather, being woken up. The young El-Aurian hadn't been able to get much sleep. True, a few hours here and there, but no real sound sleep. There had been projects to secure and experiments to clean up. And since the power had come back on, the Chief had been keeping him busy helping with internal sensors.

But now he'd been in his quarters for about three hours trying to straighten up, which wasn't going so well. A few panels hung from the walls and one from the ceiling. Couplings, cables, and a lot of other engineering things were exposed. Aidan found himself working around all of it. When he picked up an overturned table, he found the painting. Gasping, he slowly reached down, picked it up, and removed the strings from around the brown paper that the master had given him. He exhaled slowly as he saw that it wasn't damaged. It then hit him that now might be a good time to deliver it. With everything that had happened, Mila might be able to use something like this and a visit. Aidan wrapped it back up and secured the strings.

"Computer, what is the location of Chief Mila Rasputin?" he asked.

"Senior Chief Petty Officer Rasputin is currently in Room 13-013," the computer responded a sluggish moment later.

With it's sluggish response, Aidan wondered if it was even accurate. Not everything was working at the moment. But even if it weren't, he planned on walking the ship until he found her. Nothing would keep him away from Mila tonight. He put the painting under his arm and left his room, still in uniform.

A few minutes later, he was standing outside her door and was about ready to press the chime when a smile crept across his face. Why not surprise her, he thought. Or why even bother ringing the chime. Especially if we're going to be moving in together...possibly, upon approval. Aidan opened the door and stepped inside. "Mila? Dear?"

Mila sat in the middle of her living room with a shattered Matryoshka doll on a tray that was in her lap. A bottle of epoxy resin and a fine point applicator was beside of it, but she hadn't touched it. Memories of her father giving it to her on her eighteenth birthday went through her mind and tears slid down her cheeks. Only the smallest doll which had been carved of a solid piece of Russian Olive wood, had not been broken. The other pieces were made from ceramic and hadn't survived the jolt that the Black Hawk had taken when...whateve had happened, happened. She had cleaned the majority of her quarters and set things right, but this was one thing that broke her heart and she didn't know how to begin fixing it.

Chow sat near her, his eyes looking at the tray and back to her, his little paws moving as if he desired to help her put them together.

"Nyet," she said as she wiped a tear away. "I am thankful that you are not broken like these, Chow. I could not bear to lose you." She wondered where Aidan was and if he was okay, but hadn't seen his name on the list of casualties that had died in the battle of the Cochrane, Chimera and the Romulan warbird. She wished she had taken time to go hunt him down and felt guilty that she had seen Joey several times since the incident. Was it really only a day ago? Time had passed by in a blur of faces and statistics and she chastised herself for not going to find the man she loved and who loved her in return.

Mila set the tray of the broken pieces on her coffee table and came to her feet. "Come, Chow," she said. "Quarters can wait. Aidan cannot." She looked down at her clothes to see if they were ripped and stained and was pleased to see that she had remembered to change at some point and now wore a two-in-one purple waterfall top and a black, red and orange patterned Russian skirt as well as a pair of comfortable shoes. "Let us find him."

She had just taken a step towards the door with Chow on her shoulder when it opened and she saw the man she loved standing there. "Aidan!" she exclaimed happily. "You are here! I was just to be looking for you!" Without waiting for a response, she threw herself in his arms and hugged him tightly while Chow hung on with his tail around her neck and one paw on her shoulder.

She was most certainly there. He smiled as she hugged him. "I have missed you so much, as well, Mila," he said putting his left arm around her and pulling her closer. He was glad that he had manage to shift the wrapped present to the side so that it wouldn't get damaged. "It does me good to see you unharmed. It does me good to see you period. I knew you would be very busy, but I could go no longer without making sure you were okay." He kissed the top of her head and sniffed. Lavender.

Mila felt the warmth of his solid body, heard the strong beating of his heart and smelled the cologne that he wore which reminded her of pine. She looked up into his eyes and barely held her tears of happiness at bay. "Kiss me," she told him, wanting only to feel his lips against hers. Chow hooted and hopped off of her shoulder, but the package at Aidan's side drew his attention and he moved over to inspect it.

Aidan moved his arm from her lower back up to the back of her neck, cradling her head. "My pleasure." He leaned in and pressed a long passionate kiss to her lips. A kiss that expressed his longing, his desire to be near to her again. After a few moments of utter bliss, he felt a slight tug at his right hand. He pulled back from Mila's lips and looked into her hazel eyes. "I think someone is being a curious little monkey," he whispered. Looking down at Chow, he said, "No, no, not for you."

She sought his lips as if they held the cure for a deadly poison and didn't want to stop even when it was required to come up for air. When she did, her eyes shone with love and happiness and she stayed melded to his body even when the kiss ended. She looked down at his words and saw Chow tugging at something that was wrapped in Aidan's free hand and arched an eyebrow. "What are you to be having there, Aidan?" she asked him.

Still pressed close to her, he responded quietly, "It is a present. A gift for you. And it seems as though Chow wants to see what is inside. But I thought we might wait a few minutes as I would rather spend more time here." He looked down at her and smiled. "Right here." He ran his fingers through her long hair and stared into her eyes. "Unless he is not the only one with the curiosity of a cat."

"I admit to having healthy dose of curiosity, but I am more interested in having you than gift, as sweet as the thought is," Mila said as she tugged him further into her quarters. "Come, come," she urged him as she led him to the couch. "We are having much to talk about and more to catch up on."

He followed her tugging as she led him to the couch. He started to put the present on the table in front of them and then noticed a tray. He put a little further down and decided that he was not going to ask about the tray and it's contents. "Yes, we are," he said, sitting down. "So tell me, outside of the obvious, how have you been?"

Now the tears started again and felt collapsed against him as her slender body shook and she sobbed until she managed to get herself under control. "In all years I have served, never have I seen something that is being terrible as past day and half has been," she said between sniffles. "Is like ship is cursed and we are being doomed to hell daily and is being too much. I am trying to be strong...but is too much at times."

Aidan held her, wrapped his arms around her and simply held her. He waited until she regained control before he spoke. "It is truly horrendous. And many Starfleet ships go through hell on a daily basis. Their crews make it through it all. But Mila, I'm sure they don't rely on their own strength all the time. They rely on one another's strength. Rely on mine. Let me be your strength. I may not be able to be with you all the time, but I am in your heart and I know I am in your thoughts. Hold to those." He rubbed her arm and hugged her a bit, holding it. "But I am here now. So you no longer have to be strong if you do not want to be."

"Is just...just one thing after another," Mila said with a sigh. "Never am I seeing such nightmare as ship has been through since I am being on board. I am wondering what future in Starfleet is to be like if it continues on current path." She continued to hold him to her and sighed again. "Was not like this when I am first joining. There was occasional trouble, da, but we are not getting break from any quarter. I am thinking morale is at all time low and there is not even way to raise it."

He didn't let that 'future in Starfleet' comment slip by, but would bring it up in a minute. "I will agree that raising morale during a situation like this is difficult. But if we can just make it through, perhaps we will have a real break soon. A real shore leave with no viruses or Consortium or any kind of trouble. That should help everyone's morale." He paused and looked down at her. "But right now, there is only person's morale that I'm interested in. What did you mean by your future in Starfleet if in continues on it's current path?"

", I am not wondering about my future in Starfleet," she corrected gently. "I am talking about future of Starfleet as whole. We are losing many ships in battle with Consortium and even more personnel. It is taking four years and many selection processes to get officers and then it is taking more years for new officers to get experience to take ships out to new areas or areas of conflict. The more we are losing, the more Starfleet is falling behind. Is like Dominion War on different scale, but with same losses."

"Oh, I see," he said. "Starfleet managed to get through the Dominion War and we'll get through this one as well. It took quite a while to rebuild the forces, ship and personnel, but it happened. And I am glad it did. Granted, the time it takes now while going through it is something that is difficult. I can remember watching the FNS reports during the Dominion War and hearing all the rumors. People had low morale then and it wasn't just in Starfleet. But we made it through that and we'll make it through this, too."

"it is just demoralizing at times," Mila said softly. "I am seeing friends that I have made being taken to sickbay or turn up on list of casualties. It is not easy to make friends, but is harder to say goodbye to friends you had just seen day before."

Aidan ran his fingers through her hair. "I have not been in Starfleet long enough to experience the loss of friends due to battle. But Mila, I have experienced the loss of friends, many friends. I know the pain of losing those that are close to you. I know how difficult it is to say goodbye. And you are correct, it is demoralizing. I have never gotten completely over it and I never will. But as a good friend once told me, they will live on in our hearts and in our memories."

"I have been Starfleet for twelve years and never have I seen such loss and destruction, Aidan," she said. "I cannot imagine what it is to be you with your lifespan. You are to be living centuries and watching others go beyond many times. You are saying to be keeping them alive in hearts and memories, but do you not miss the kind words, smiles and shoulders?" She looked up at him, her hazel eyes searching for answers and knew that one day, she would just be another memory in his heart and mind.

He closed his eyes and sighed. In his mind, he felt the touches of his friends and family back on El-Auria. He heard the voices of those he had traveled with; Risa, Delta IV, Denobula, Andoria. And he felt the soft smile of his first girlfriend as she put her head on his shoulder when she lost her grandfather. Tears trickled down his cheek and he opened his eyes, looking down into Mila's. "Yes, I do." Then he pulled her closer.

Mila swallowed hard and did her best to push the thoughts that threatened to swamp her as she snuggled against him. "All of this talk is being morbid, and this is not time or place for such." The fact that he shared a tiny portion of his whole was an honor to her and she cherished it, but now wasn't the time. She looked at the wrapped gift on the table that Chow now sat beside of touching occasionally and giving soft hoots and trills. "I am thinking that Chow is more curious every second, so I will bite. What are you to be bringing?"

Aidan cleared his mind by placing the people and feelings back into their compartments. He leaned down and kissed Mila on the cheek before reaching the gift. "This is something special," he said. "You know that I draw and that I prefer pencil or charcoal. Well, you have inspired me to try something new, to stretch my skills and this is the result." He handed it to her and watched as she unwrapped the ten by thirteen painting.

She was sad and it upset her that she had forestalled learning more about him and his lifetimes, but the misery and despair of the past day was nearly too much to bear. She accepted the gift and slowly unwrapped it while Chow watched with undisguised glee at finding out what the wrapping contained. When the painting was revealed, Mila set the wrapping aside almost as an afterthought and looked at it, awe filling her eyes before she looked back at him. " are doing this for me?" she asked, the sound of wonder and appreciation filling her voice.

He grinned. "Of course I did. It is all for you, Mila. And I'd do more." He paused. "Do you like it? I know it has it's issues as far as technicality. My teacher told me it was just my personality. I laughed with him for that. But, do you like it?"

"It is...It is being work of art," Mila said. "I am touched and honored that you would do such for me, Sir Knight. It is beautiful and technicalities are to be thrown aside as teacher was telling you. I am wondering when you are finding time to study me in such detail. I do not remember dressing in such clothing, but art is interpretation and...." her voice trailed off when she realized she was starting to babble. "I am thanking you and your teacher for doing such thing for me and I am loving you even more for taking time to do such."

"I have studied you in detail every time I look at you," he said. "And as far as what you're wearing in the painting, you are correct in that art is interpretation. It is something that I could see you wearing and wrapping yourself in. I love you, too Mila. Very much. I would take more time to paint another and another and another because I love you. I am glad that you like it, though. Perhaps sometime I can take you to the holodeck to meet my teacher."

"Your teacher is being holodeck program?" she asked, a bit surprised. "Surely you are not to be learning such things on holodeck? Something like this must be taking years of training to do." She looked back at the painting and took in the masterful brush strokes, the attention to detail that he had put in it, the use of the light; it was as if she had posed for him.

"I have been drawing for many years. You've seen the detail in them yourself," he said. "Besides, the master would not take me on until he had seen my portfolio of sketches and drawings. I showed them to him and he commented on the talent in such a young man. I smiled at that. He then put my had to the paints and let me try. It was rocky at first. Then he had me watch him, intently. That is how I see you, my love. Every day in my mind."

Mila looked at the painting again and back at him. "You are seeing me as series of brush strokes with blurry outline and features?" she teased. "I am thinking you are needing glasses, da?" Her tone was light and to make up for the teasing, she leaned in and gave him a soft kiss. "It is masterpiece, Aidan and I am loving it."

Aidan started laughing after she pulled back from the kiss. "I am glad that you love it. But just so you know, I could have chosen to study under the Earth painter Picasso instead of Van Gogh. You would have needed more than glasses." He began laughing again.

She laughed and gave him another kiss. "You are only one I wish to see, so would not matter if I am needing glasses or not because I am seeing your heart. You are wonderful man, Aidan and not just for painting. You are everything I am looking for and I am never letting you go."

He smiled and reached around, scooping her up and setting her on his lap. "And I am never letting you go, either." He pulled her in and gently shook her. "Never." Aidan looked down. "I am glad to hear you say that, too. I've never met a woman quite like you, Mila. I enjoy talking with you, spending time with you, and being your boyfriend. But most of all, I enjoy loving you." He leaned in and places his lips to hers.

Mila smiled and nestled against him. "You are being my big medved'," she told him, the universal translator interpreting it as 'bear'. "I am lucky woman to have such met you, Aidan. I am never getting tired of seeing you, or feeling you against me, or even thinking about you. Were it not for you, it would just be me and Chow sitting along in quarters singing. Now you are giving me reason to sing songs filled with joy."

"Big bear...protector, defender...I can live with that," he said. "I am glad I have brought such joy into your life so as to have you singing happier songs. It no longer has to be you and Chow in here. I will be in here every chance I get. At least until after this mess is all over and the Captain has given his yea or nay to my moving in. Then being here every chance I get will become much easier." He leaned down and whispered into her ear, "I love you, beautiful."

"Ya tozhe tebya lyublyu," she said, the translator interpreting it as 'I love you, too.' "I am still needing to be talking to him or someone once this mess of ship is straightened out. There are personnel coming from Chimera and some quarters were being too damaged to remain occupied during attack and battle. I am thinking you could be staying here and no one would be noticing."

Aidan snuggled down into the couch a bit. "That makes sense. Personnel could be moving anyway and packing in extra roommates. Though I think that my roommate, Quinn would notice if didn't come home for several nights in a row. But who knows, maybe he'll be out himself. At any rate, perhaps I'll pack a few things and bring them here for the next few days and nights." He paused before continuing. "If that it is what you were meaning?"

"Da, is what I am meaning...for now" Mila responded. "I am wanting you here all the time, Aidan. You are peace in time of turmoil and I am finding that I like having you here very much. Chow has found no fault with your presence, either." She nodded to the little Capuchin who had made himself at home on the back of the couch behind Aidan's head and was quietly watching them.

Aidan smiled. For now, he thought. "Very well then, I'll stop by my room and get some things tomorrow after work. I really don't want to leave you right now, Mila. Because I like, no, love being with you. And I am glad that Chow has accepted me as well." He leaned his head back slightly until he feel Chow. "Thank you, my friend."

Chow patted Aidan on the head and hooted, then settled down again while Mila laughed. "You are receiving Pat of Approval from him," she said while giggling. "The last time he did that was when I first gave him grapes coated in yogurt. You are to be hoping you are not having yogurt in hair or he is to be going after it like grape."

"Oh I hope I don't have any yogurt in my hair," he said, chuckling. "If I did, I would very much like to know how it had gotten there in the first place...Chow. But thank you for your Pat of Approval, little one." He then wrapped his arms around Mila. "And thank you, too, my little one, my Printsessa."

"You are more than welcome, Sir Knight," she said as she curled up against him. "I think, for now, that I am being as happy as I am able to be and you are making that possible."

Aidan breathed deeply as she curled up. He loved it when she did that and couldn't get enough of it. He wished they could stay like this forever. "It pleases me very much to know that I make you this happy." And I would like to make you even happier someday, he thought. "What else can I do for you right now to make you happy?"

"Would I be asking too much if I am hoping you would be playing with my hair?" Mila asked hopefully and turned her hazel eyes on him imploringly.

He looked into her eyes and smiled. "Of course it wouldn't be asking too much." Aidan put his arm that he had around her nearer the end of her hair and weaved a cord of it around his fingers. He then began twirling that little bit between his fingers until it fell from his hand. He picked up another cord and began twirling it, too. "Like this?"

"Nyet," she said. "I am asking you to be running fingers through my hair as if you are brushing it. Go under neck and up and bring them up and out by ears. That..that is playing with hair."

"Oh, heh, well, it has been quite some time since I have played with a woman's hair," he said. Aidan began following Mila's instructions. He put his hands under her neck, brought them up, and out by her ears. "Like I am brushing it." He did it again. "How is that?'

"Is much better," the Russian brunette nearly purred as a shiver went up her spine. "I have tried to teach Chow how to be doing it, but he is thinking that he is supposed to be grooming. When he is not finding anything to eat, he is getting upset and throws fit. If you are to be doing it like him, I am giving up and shaving head bald."

Aidan laughed. "I will not groom you as Chow tries to." He played with her hair again, though slower this time. "Whatever you do, do not shave your head bald. I like doing this and feeling you shiver." As he went under her neck and brought her hair up, he leaned in and placed a light kiss on her neck.

Mila moaned and whimpered at the same time as he kissed her neck, a squirm working its way across her shoulders. "And you are saying that you have not down this before. I am thinking that you are master of many trades who is pretending to be knaive. If you are to be keeping this up, I am never going to be letting you go."

Aidan grinned and answered her statement with another kiss on her neck, just below her ear. "I prefer Rogue," he said. "And I do not see any way that you could ever let me go since I will never let you go. Ever." He continued playing with her hair, making her happy.

" not stop," she told him as she felt waves of pleasure chills shoot down her spine and come back up again. She wiggled in his lap and brought a hand down to his leg to give it a gentle squeeze. "I am being putty in your hands, Rogue."

"I won't stop," he said. Aidan continued playing with her hair for a few more seconds until she squeezed his leg. "Oh." He ran his hands under her hair one more time, but let them rest on her shoulders. He began what he hoped might become routine, a shoulder massage. "I would say relax, but if you are putty in my hands, then you cannot get more relaxed than that."

"I am thinking," Mila started as another shiver ran through her. "Thinking that we should be making ourselves more comfortable." She looked over her shoulder at him as he began to massage them. "Is getting warm in here and I am not thinking it is being temperature of room."

Aidan laughed a little and said, "I think that would not be such a bad idea, seeing as this small area seems to be warming up rather quickly. But if you will remember, I did not bring anything comfortable to change into. And I don't think that I left anything here the last time."

She gave a husky laugh low in her throat as she looked at him with a look he was coming to recognize. "You are not needing anything comfortable to change into," she told him as she got up and held a hand out to him.

Aidan had seen that look on her face and in her eyes many times before. He liked that look, and coupled with her laugh, he liked it even more. "Then let us get comfortable," he said standing. Aidan took her hand and they headed for the bedroom.


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