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Congratulations. Here's More Work

Posted on 30 Sep 2016 @ 5:23am by Lieutenant Commander Camila Di Pasquale & Lieutenant Commander Joey Geisler

1,916 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Click Three Times
Location: Security
Timeline: MD 8 || 0800 Hours

The previous day had been more than eventful and the honey blonde woman who headed into Security had a ton of things on her mind. However, she had to take them in the order that they came in and Security was her first stop. She knew that Joey wouldn't be on duty yet, but that was about to change as she headed into the office that had been hers until the previous evening and tapped her combadge. =^=Di PasCorwin. Please meet me in my office.=^=

She tapped her combadge again to close the channel and went to the replicator. "Raktajino, four sugars, hot," she requested and took the mug when it materialized. Camila turned and looked at the office, then went to pick up the stein she had left there. "The only thing I ever personalized this office with," she muttered as she poured the Klingon coffee into it and set the cup back on the replicator to dematerialize it. "It's just you and me again." She took a sip of the coffee and looked at the office, then waited for Joey to come in.

It didn't take long for Joey to get to the office, and since she'd been summoned she walked right in instead of pressing the chime. "You wanted to see me?" she asked, moving away from the sensors so the door would close behind her. Despite her shift not starting for quite a while, she was already in uniform and working on the training schedule. The taller woman was still waiting for a complete list of those going on the away mission, but that would make its appearance in time.

Camila looked up when the tall brunette walked into the office and raised her stein. "Would you like a cup of coffee before we get started, or should I give you even more to do?" she asked.

"Coffee would be good, thank you. Black.. two sugars," Joey said, settling down in one of the chairs opposite Camila's. "I've already told you I would help you out as far as your workload goes since you were put on light duty. What do you need for me to do?"

A laugh came from Camila as she went to get the coffee as Joey wanted it and brought it back to hand to her. "Light duty. That's a joke. Take a drink of the coffee and set it down before I tell you or you may end up choking on it."

As requested, Corwin took a sip of her coffee after accepting it with a thank you, then put it down on the desk. The warning from Camila was one she planned to take seriously, though now she was incredibly curious. What was going on that would make her choke on her coffee? "Okay... let's have it? What happened?" she asked, eyeing the shorter woman. The past few days were packed full of surprises, and Joey wasn't sure she could take many more.

'First," Camila said. "You're now the Acting Chief of Security and your clearance has moved up to Beta Two. Second, I'm now the Acting Executive Officer, which means you'll have the entire department in your hands. Pick an acting Assistant Chief to help you. Third, the Captain wants to go on an away mission to some station that he knew from the other side of the rip and I selected you for the away mission. Questions?"

Joey blinked. That was quite a huge chunk of information Camila just laid on her. She tried to process it the best way she could before finally speaking. "Now I see why you had me set my cup down. First... I'll do the ship proud in my newfound acting title." she said. "Second... congratulations are in order as far as your newly appointed acting role as well, though, I have a feeling Doctor Abrams won't be too happy. As for the away mission, I've already been informed. I've asked the Captain to get me a list of the personnel going so that I might be able to train them in the basics of hand to hand training. If this space station is as bad as Captain Geisler says it is, I don't want to take any chances."

"You've already been informed?" Camila asked, curious. As far as she knew, the Captain had told her that it was her choice, but he must have decided after the senior meeting to contact Joey.

"Yes," Joey answered. "There's not a problem, is there?"

"Not at all," Camila said. "I wasn't aware that Captain Geisler had told anyone outside of the meeting."

"It was on personal time," the taller of the two women sad as she reached for her coffee again to take a sip. "I've already told you that he and I are seeing one another."

"That is right," Camila said. "I've been doing so much lately that I'm lucky I can remember my own name. At any rate, you're now in charge of Security until we get to the station...then you'll have to pick and Acting Acting Chief. The only person I can think of at the moment who would fit that bill is Lieutenant Cooper."

"She's really the best option all things considered. I'll have to call her in and talk to her about it, make her understand that these adjustments aren't permanent. I'll fight off Doctor Behemoth if he decides to get uppity. We're in a time of crisis... everyone needs to do what needs to be done regardless of injury. If you need my help with anything, though, you know how to get in touch with me," Joey said.

"I do," Camila said. "And thank you for being here when I need you the most, Joey. I mean that. When this is over, I'm going to take you out and get you the biggest bottle, the biggest steak, or whatever you prefer to celebrate."

Joey smiled. "I just might have to take you up on that. In the meantime, do you know how many Security personnel are supposed to be making this trip aside from me? I want to start going through files to see who will be the right fit. If it's as bad as I've been led to believe, then this away team should be chosen carefully."

"I suggested some personnel from the Investigations section," Camila said. "But didn't give any numbers. I'd take Gutierrez with you, too. He's half Betazoid and an empath. Other that that, pick out three solid ones who you feel has the most training in unknown situations."

"I'm way ahead of you," the brunette said as she took another sip of her coffee. "So, if you're currently the XO, then what are you doing here in Security? Shouldn't you be putting the fear of Camila into the people of the ship or something?"

"A good XO listens to their department heads and makes decisions based on their experience. So with that in mind, I'll take your suggestion that I go put fear of me into them," Camila said with a smile. "I trust you'll go easy on me when you come to arrest me?"

Joey couldn't help but laugh at that. She had a feeling Camila would go any way but quietly. "Considering you're supposed to be on light duty for another twenty-four hours, I can assure you I'll take it easy on you. Are you at all worried about your new position? You might decide you like it."

"Don't tell Doctor Abrams or he'll put me on heavy restrictions, but honestly, it's PADDwork, PADDwork, PADDwork," Camila said. "That and a lot of talking. I still have to meet with the other department heads and I'm not looking forward to one-on-ones with them. No one objected when I was made acting XO, but the Captain was there at the time. It may be different in private."

"Captain Geisler is a very smart man, and he doesn't do anything without thinking it through first. If there's a reason he made you the acting XO, there's a reason for it. I wouldn't question his decision too much." the taller woman said with a smile. "I won't tell Doctor Behemoth about this, but I still want to kick him in his shin. He deserves that for being a jerk."

"He's a nice guy, but he's firm," Camila said. "He kept stressing to me that I could have died as if I didn't know that." She stopped and sighed. "It did make me think, though. Especially yesterday when Temerant came to see me in Sickbay." She hesitated. "He told me that he loved me before he left...and I didn't say it back....and now he's been captured."

"So, do you think about him all the time when he isn't around? Do you get giddy when you know you're going to get to see him? Since he's been captured, do you think about wanting to steal a shuttle and go on a secret rescue mission?" Joey asked as she finished off her coffee. As she asked those very questions, she answered them in regards to that same situation had Harvey been in Temerant's position, but she was going to keep those answers to herself.

"Well...when he got promoted and made Second Officer...I kind of tried to break up with him, but he wouldn't have it," Camila admitted. "He's a lot of fun to be with and he's a very smart and handsome man, but...I don't think I'm in love with him. I care about him and I want him back safely. I'm just not sure what love really is."

"Does anyone really know what love is?" the taller of the two women asked as she shifted around a bit.

"I don't know, but when I get him back, I'm going to appreciate him more than I have been," Camila replied. "At any rate, you have a new job to settle into and I have a shipful of department heads to meet. If you need any advice, contact me. Oh, a bit of advice: Don't suggest a tricobalt device for every situation."

"The situation we were in warranted the use of one, so you should never doubt the choice that you made. It was either that, or the lives of countless people would have been lost otherwise. You made the right call, Camila." Corwin said as she rose to her feet. "Remember what I said. If you need me for anything, just let me know."

"I actually suggested a second tricobalt as a way to blow the Black Hawk up in the event that the Captain, Executive Officer and Second Officer were all killed," Camila said. "It was denied. I'll have you come to my office if I need anything, or you can send me a message."

"That will work. I'm glad it didn't have to come to that. As for a second tricobalt... I'm just glad it didn't have to come to that," the taller woman commented, but she'd already been made aware there was a scenario in place in the event the Captain, the Executive Officer and Second Officer were all compromised. Thankfully, though, it didn't have to go down like that. "We will get our people back."

"At any rate, I'll let you get down to business and start making my rounds," Camila said. "I'll be a combadge away if you need me." With that, she gathered a PADD, her stein and headed out.


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