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Posted on 11 Oct 2016 @ 12:30am by Lieutenant JG Catherine Cooper & Lieutenant Commander Joey Geisler

1,652 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Click Three Times
Location: Security
Timeline: MD 8 || 1330 Hours

After Mila left, Joey took a few minutes to compose herself and get back to the task at hand. Meeting with Cooper was one of the last couple of things she had left to do before she clocked out for the day. Of course, now that she was the Acting Chief, that meant she was always on call. Now that she was appointing Cooper to her new temporary role, some of her workload would decrease, which she was grateful for. There was no time like the present.

She tapped her combadge. =^=Lieutenant Cooper... please report to the Chief of Security's office. =^= Now all she had to do was wait and hope Catherine didn't worry because Joey was the one calling her in and not Camila. She'd explain that first, then get into the rest of it. There were so many changes taking place presently that she wouldn't be surprised if there was a bit of confusion.

Cooper was in her quarters, though recent events meant her schedule was a bit odd, her official work shift was in the middle of the night. So she was often freer during the day, in this case she'd just gotten up recently and was coming out of the sonic shower when her commbadge went off. Trying to hold a towel with one hand and grabbing her badge with the other she replied, =/\="I'm on my way" She said, she recognized Corwin's voice. That made sense what with the Chief being Acting XO now and all. She put the badge on a table and started to get dressed quickly as only someone who'd been nearly late for class at the Academy could rush.

A few minutes later she arrived tapping the door chime to the Chief's inner sanctum.

From inside the office, Joey was scheduling meetings with the personnel that were going to be going on the away mission to the space station... if it was even there. There were just too many uncertainties where this was concerned, and it didn't sit well with her. It left an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach, but she did everything she could to keep it at bay. Thankfully, the chime brought her out of her current line of thought. Cooper was likely the one on the other side of the door. "Come in."

Cooper walked in, "Cooper reporting..." pulling a PADD from a pocket and looked to where she still half expected to see Camila, "As ordered..." There was a slight questioning in her tone, It seemed...odd, not to see her there behind her desk. She had been busy making plans for tactical, reviewing inventories, meeting with other officers to coordinate. It was possible she missed a few finer points recently and looked at Lt. Corwin questioningly.

"Have a seat, Lieutenant," Corwin said. She could tell Cooper had no idea what was going on, which meant she was going to have to be the one to fill her in along with making a few adjustments to the current roster. None of it was going to be lasting, though. "Lieutenant Di Pasquale has been appointed the acting Executive Officer in wake of the Cochrane being taken, which means I'm the acting Chief until she returns to reclaim her position. I find myself short an Assistant Chief, and was hoping you'd want to revisit your old position for the time being."

Cooper blinked once, her mind assembling the data and a reply in its typical swift fashion. "Makes sense just until we can get our people back." her voice was firm on this point, she fully intended on doing all she could to make that happen, As for the change, there were a few more senior officers aboard Lt. Commander Walsh and the CMO among them, then she realized she was getting off topic and shunted her focus, she'd been trying to take their Chief's advice to heart. "Ff course I'll help however I Can." She'd been frustrated, Tactical had plans and was ready to go but it was a bit like being all dressed up with no place to go. They had no targets. She had met previously with Lt. Commander Walsh to discuss sensor data and an integrated defense/offensive plan but she wanted to do more."What do you need?" Her attitude was primed but controlled, she would burst into action but only at the proper time.

"At the moment, we're prepping to go on an away mission to a space station. From what I've been told, it's enough to make a Ferengi squirm. I'll be going on said mission, which means you'll be in charge of things while I'm off the ship. At best guess, it'll take a couple of days to get there," Joey said. "Preparations are being made for that."

"I see." And she did see, one didn't pull both senior officers for the department off at once, she was disappointed though but forced her mind to shift to strategics. "Will the ship be acting to support your mission at all or will we be elsewhere?" She said her mind moving to shift the resources into differing configurations, "If you've not picked your team yet I can also make a few recommendations..." Then she paused trying to remember people didn't like a lot of information tossed at once and was working to step the flow of her usual speech.

"The only individual I know will be going for certain is Gutierrez. He's half Betazoid, and I feel that will come in handy," Corwin said, looking thoughtful. "Hollingsworth will likely be another, but I want to take at least two more, so if you have any suggestions I'm open to them. As far as the ship goes... she'll be elsewhere. She'll be seen as a show of force, and we can't have that. The away team will be traveling to the station on a runabout."

Cooper thought about it, her mind skimming the security department personnel, "I would recommend Ensign Thatcher. She's got a background in computer security and forensics, she'd be coming from the investigations division so decent at info tracking and is not likely to panic. There's a Bajoran who works as a brig officer, sometimes pulling shifts in the armory, Ensign Kato Jardo, excellent pilot in small craft and personal arms." He was also huge at 6'4 and another person who can look intimidating is always good. Unofficially he also had a hobby of figuring out how to break out of places. Comes from being a Brig Officer maybe but delights in figuring out how security procedures could be defeated and/or improved.

"We're trying to avoid taking anyone large as to not display a show of force. We're under the impression they've never seen humans before. Ensign Thatcher is okay, but I think we need to figure someone else out," Joey replied.

Cooper nodded, "I understand" She looked considering as her mind whirled, discarded and choose, "Petty Officer 1st Class Brian McShane from tactical is a level headed sort, tall but lanky. He's good with weapons and explosives, or there's Ensign T'lek in security, his backup skill is as a field medic." She thought some more quickly skimming through the cream of the crop. "Ensign Shannon Westfield might also be good, she's persistent when trying to accomplish something but not foolish, if there's anyway she can accomplish a mission she will do it, back up skill is (whatever you wish it to be)." She paused there, considering others if none of them worked. She was trying for humans who looked non-threatening but had serious skills to aid the mission.

"I want to make sure we end up with the best going on this mission. I'd prefer it if everyone came back in one piece. That's the objective as well as getting the information we need to get our people back. There's no guarantee the latter will happen, but I'm going to made damn sure we all make it back," Joey said, leaning back in her chair. "I'll go through our roster and see who I can come up with, then contact them. In the meantime, contact Gutierrez, Hollingsworth and Thatcher and let them know I want to meet with them within the hour."

Cooper nodded, placing her PADD on the desk that she'd been working on, "Other recommendations if that might help you. I'll contact the others and send them your way." She stood then paused, "If I don't get to say it later, safe journey."

"Thank you, and make sure the ship stays in one piece. I've got faith in you, Catherine, and I know you can do it," Joey said. "We will see one another before this happens, though. We still have a couple of days or so before we make our arrival to Razmena."

Cooper smiled, "I know how busy it can be though, I promise I will do my utmost to return the ship in the condition I got it...mostly..maybe one ding and I am sure you will do what you mean to on this mission." Corwin didn't strike her as the type to fail but that didn't mean it would be a cakewalk, "We both survive drinks are on me..." She smiled her easy smile flowing before she got serious again, "And on that note with your permission I have people roust..."

"Of course, Catherine, and thank you. Hopefully, I can do this position justice for the short time I have it," she said with a smile. "I'll take you up on those drinks, too."

"Anytime you need help, day or night, just ask." Cooper smiled, she may be a bit crazy at times but she was loyal when she gave it. "And I'll catch up with you later..." She turned and headed out. Opening coms to personnel after the doors had closed even as she headed to the turbolift.


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