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Passion Interrupted

Posted on 23 Apr 2017 @ 12:33am by Captain Harvey Geisler & Lieutenant Commander Joey Geisler

4,577 words; about a 23 minute read

Mission: The Finnean Crisis
Location: Somewhere In The Ocean
Timeline: October 23, 2388

Every second spent in their little piece of tropical heaven made Joey wish they could stay indefinitely. The scenery... how nice the locals were... everything about Bora Bora... it was absolute perfection. And now, here she was, in the middle of the crystal clear ocean basking in the sun with the man she loved and their dogs. It didn't even bother her that Pequeno had chosen to curl up right next to her, or that Rico had opted to put himself at Harvey's feet which had become his favorite spot over the past months. In fact, she was rather glad the older dog was bonding with Harvey the way that he was considering the decision she came to recently.

Joey adjusted the top to her red bikini and pushed her sunglasses onto the top if her head before propping herself up in her elbows. She looked over to Harvey. He had relaxed so much the past couple months. Still, she knew the loss of his first command still bothered him, and it was now time for her to come clean. "Harvey, honey, I have something I have to tell you," she said, hoping he wouldn't be upset with her. "I'm actually quite nervous about this because I don't know how you'll react."

Their bungalow was a perfect destination, and Harvey's favorite spot had been behind the helm of the motor boat while floating out in the ocean. He was shirtless, soaking up the sun as he read a mystery novel, one of the many works by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Harvey had always loved a good mystery; in fact, he'd begun pursuing a career in medicine because of it. He could also thank his newfound love for command thanks to the Golden Stars and the Consortium, both mysterious forces that had major impacts on sectors and quadrants respectively.

And, as nice as this furlough was, he was certainly ready to don his uniform once more. If they had a computer terminal in the bungalow (the owner didn't believe in such technology and even went as far to ensure that most technology would not be functional in this remote area of Bora Bora), he certainly would have tried checking his messages by now. He was at least five weeks out of contact with Starfleet, and even though he still had a week or two of shore leave left, surely there were a few things in his inbox, including mission orders.

But now was not the time for such thoughts. He looked up at Joey from behind the view of the hardback novel and adjusted his posture in a way that he could see her better, but not startle Rico in the process. "What is it?" Harvey asked, unsure of what to think. She'd always been so forward in their relationship, and to hold something back, something away from the surface, was completely unlike her.

There were a few things she wanted to tell him, but now wasn't the time. Not when they were enjoying themselves, though no doubt itching to get back among the stars. Sadly, she wasn't returning with him as a Starfleet Security officer, but plain old Joelle Corwin former Starfleet officer. Now wasn't the time for that. Soon... she'd tell him soon.

Despite the owner's dislike of certain technology, Joey found a way to stay in contact with the outside world. Of course, that consisted of mostly letting her parents, grandmother and Harvey's mother know how they were doing. She still adored Maggie, and didn't think that was ever going to change.

Joey took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Well... you know after I was released from sickbay on Deep Space Eleven, I went back to the ship to get some of our things. That wasn't all I left with. It was extremely difficult, but we were determined. I also left with your command chair."

Harvey blinked. Of all the things in the universe that she could possibly tell him... that was absolutely not one he would have thought of. "My... chair?" he asked. In a heartbeat, the book was closed and Harvey leaned forward. He had a fond memory of that chair, several actually. Among them was the last time he saw it on the bridge, a warped and burned mess that appeared to be unsalvageable.

"Yes, your chair. I know it will never be able to be used as such again, but I want it to stay with you. I've had it turned into two different things, one of which you're going to have to wait for," she said as she sat up to pull something from her bag. It was small, square, and she opened the top on it, then turned it so he could see what it was. Inside the box she held was a band. "I had this made so you would always have a piece of her with you as well as it being a symbol of my love."

He reached forward and gingerly accepted the box. As soon as it was fully in his hands, he carefully lifted the band out of the box and held it in the palm of his hand. Many thoughts came to his mind, and the foremost of which involved the fact that he still hadn't obtained a ring for her. In fact, after their last discussion on the subject, the proposal in the coffee shop, neither of them had spoken about it again ever since. "It's wonderful," he said in full sincerity as he placed it on his left ring finger. As soon as it was in place, he rolled his hand about, admiring how well it looked.

"I'm glad you like it," she said, leaning forward to press a kiss to his cheek. "So... since you put it on, is that a definite yes?"

Harvey found himself chuckling. The moment her lips touched his cheek, he slipped his arms around her and pulled her close. "Of course," he said softly before giving her a kiss of his own. She might have beaten him to the proposal, but the honor of the first kiss would be his.

Joey was easy to move and found herself settled on his lap. She smiled and returned the kiss as she slipped her arms around him. Maybe she did beat him to the punch, but they still had a lifetime's worth of things he'd be able to do. "I love you, and I can promise you a lifetime of happiness."

He smiled in return, placing a hand behind her neck before meeting her lips once more for a rather passionate kiss. It did not last long, or at least as long as Harvey could hope for as Rico and Pequeno both began to bark rudely and incessantly. Disappointed and annoyed, Harvey broke the kiss to look at both of the dogs, whose attention was certainly not on Harvey and Joey. Looking in their upward direction, Harvey spotted the cause for the alarm. A Type-6 shuttle was on a low approach, about to fly over their heads.

Rico and Pequeno turned and followed the shuttle as it passed by, continuing its landing path. It came to a rest at last, hovering above the water off the dock of their bungalow. They were too far away to make out the figure that it deposited on the dock, but the shuttle didn't remain there long. The antigrav repulsors were too close to the water, creating waves that disturbed the ocean and the peaceful bungalow. Seconds later, the shuttle lifted off and began to circle around the island cluster nearly half a mile above them.

"It seems we have company," Harvey muttered.

Joey pulled away with much reluctance and followed their gaze to the shuttle that was heading for the bungalow with a frown. "Looks that way. I guess we better go see who it is, and what they want," she said, though she had a pretty good idea what was about to happen.

She slipped from his lap to settle in next to him after gathering up their things to keep it from blowing around once they got moving. It wasn't so hard to believe Starfleet would hunt them down with new orders. They'd been on leave for roughly two months already, and it was time to get back. More opportunities for them to come back would present itself in the future. "Who do you think they sent?"

"Not a clue," Harvey admitted, readjusting himself so that he could drive the boat back to the bungalow. "It is Earth, so it could probably be a nameless yeoman from Starfleet Command directly."

And that is exactly who Starfleet sent. A poor, unsuspecting Petty Officer clad in command red who held a briefcase at his side. Well, a poor, unsuspecting Petty Officer who just had his week made with the sight of swimsuit-clad Corwin. "Captain. Lieutenant," the noncom greeted as Harvey brought the boat to a stop at the dock.

Joey rose to her feet to tie the boat to the dock just as the once barking dogs took the opportunity to greet their guest. Rico was more calm about it, sniffing the poor guy while his furry brother from another mother Yipped and jumped to get the attention of the Petty Officer. Two different commands were issued, one in German and the other in Spanish, which had both dogs trotting into the bungalow to settle down.

"What can we do for you?" Joey asked as she climbed out of the boat to stand before their guest. Given that she was on vacation, and their private sanctuary had just been invaded, she made no move to cover herself.

The Petty Officer, completely unprepared for this scenario, stammered a bit as he backed up. "M-M-My apologies to both of you." As pleasant as the sight way, the yeoman tried to look away to focus on the bare chested Captain. Such a simple task became a herculean feat as the Captain hadn't yet exited the boat. Instead, he was picking up a few personal items from it, and the rather curvaceous lieutenant blocked his view. "Captain Geisler, sir, Starfleet has been trying to reach you for the last twenty-four hours, sir."

She looked back to Harvey and stepped out of the way a bit so the two men could easily see one another, but her attention was turned back toward the Petty Officer. "We're pretty cut off from the world here as the owner doesn't wish to sully what he's built with things like technology. There are only a couple of places where it's possible to make contact with the outside world, but we haven't really paid it much mind," Joey said. "Not that they don't have the means to send someone to hunt him down. I mean... here you are."

"Indeed he is," Harvey admitted, walking across the dock and towards the entrance to the bungalow, gesturing to everyone to follow him as they did. He was certain Joey wouldn't be happy with Harvey so casually inviting the Petty Officer to come inside the bungalow. But, in the presence of the uniform, Captain Geisler was already mentally back on the job.

"So, I ask you, Petty Officer, what's wrong?"

"Sir?" the Petty Officer replied, blinking at the Captain.

"You say Starfleet has been trying to reach me for a day," Harvey said, pouring a cup of coffee from the coffee maker. "Then they send you. Something must have gone wrong. What troubles me is that out of all of the captains in the galaxy, they're trying to find me."

The Petty Officer nodded, setting down the briefcase on the coffee table. He opened it up and withdrew a few PADDs. Four of them, in fact. He held on to three of them, but handed the fourth to Harvey. "I haven't been privileged with the details, sir. You'll have to read that without me."

Harvey skimmed the PADD. "We've been recalled," he told Joey after the glance. "It's a note from Admiral O'Connell. Seems he got promoted in our absence."

The Petty Officer then handed the second PADD to Harvey, and then the third to Joey. "These are the official orders. The USS Lakota is set to depart for Deep Space Nine this afternoon. The next transport to the station won't leave for a couple days, so you'll want to catch it."

He then handed the final PADD to the Starfleet Captain. "I'm sure you'll find this one in particular to be of interest," he said with a smile.

Joey accepted the PADD from the Petty Officer and read it over, growing paler with each word she took it. This wasn't what she expected... to meet with Commodore Satié aboard the Lakota by eighteen hundred hours. That didn't give her a lot of time to make it if she didn't hurry. A wave of nausea washed over her, and with every ounce of willpower she had, she forced it down before clearing her throat. "I have to pack," she said as she fought back tears. The longer she stood there, the worse the feeling became. Without much of an explanation, Joey excused herself and moved back inside the bungalow after grabbing the things Harvey had gathered up prior to getting off of the boat. The sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach refused to go away, nor did the nausea. In fact, both grew to the point where she had to run for the bathroom to make use of the facilities.

The bungalow wasn't that big, so it only muffled the sounds of Joey's nausea. Harvey blinked once, startled by her sudden actions and departure. But dealing with it in front of the petty officer would have been unlike him. He didn't even have the chance to look at what was presented on the final PADD.

Taking advantage of the situation, the Petty Officer closed the briefcase, but not before pulling out a single combadge and setting it on the coffee table. "I'm certain yours is in storage somewhere, Captain, but when you're ready, you can use this to contact the Lakota for a direct beam out. I'm sure they can spare a couple crewmen to help you pack or gather whatever you need."

Harvey nodded his thanks, glancing down once more at the note from Admiral O'Connell. It was cryptic for sure. He'd have to spend some time to read it fully. For now, there were other priorities.

The Petty Officer tapped his own badge, which was already keyed into the shuttle that brought him. "One to beam up." Almost instantly, the younger man dissolved in a column of blue light.

Harvey, meanwhile, moved to the bedroom. He tossed the three PADDs onto the bed and looked for Joey. "What's going on?" he asked her, finding her hunched over the toilet.

"I don't know," she mumbled after flushing the toilet and moving to the sink to rinse her mouth. Mouthwash was a wonderful invention that she made a point to have on hand just in case she ever needed it... like now. "Yes, I do. I've got a feeling that we're going to end up separated. You'll be given another ship to command, and I'll end up stuck on the Lakota." She paused briefly to splash some water on her face, then looked at him. "Even if that's what they've decided for me, I will be going with you. As a retired Starfleet officer. Or one who has resigned. Whichever one fits the situation at the time."

Joey moved passed him and went to sit on the edge of the bed. Her stomach was still protesting, but she did her level best to ignore it. "I'm okay, though."

"Stuck on the Lakota?" Harvey echoed as his left eyebrow arched. "What exactly did your orders say?" He sat down on the bed beside her.

"That I'm hereby ordered to report to Commodore Satié aboard the Lakota at 1800 hours without exception or delay," she replied with a frown. "Petty Officer whatever his name was said they were official orders. I guess I have a to start packing so I can make it in time."

Rico and Pequeno chose that moment to trot into the room. The German Shepherd jumped onto the bed and made his way over to her, nuzzling her face with his muzzle. When Pequeno got to her and put his paws on the bed, yipping to be let up, Joey scooped the not so little ball of fur up to settle him onto the bed. It didn't take long before she broke down in tears because she wouldn't be able to bring them with her.

"Hey," Harvey gently said, wrapping an arm around her and drawing her close. "Satié... that name is familiar. I... I don't think she's commanding the Laktoa though. And don't forget, I have to be on the Lakota too. We'll make it to Deep Space Nine together. It'll take a few days, sure. But we'll use that time to figure this out."

Joey laid her head against his shoulder when he pulled her close and gave a sniffle. She knew he was right, and was probably freaking out for nothing, but for she just couldn't seem to help herself. "I know," she said softly. "But the possibility is definitely there. I'll try not to work myself up anymore until I know what the Commodore has to say." She reached out to rub both of the canines on their heads. If Joey had to leave them behind, she'd be completely lost.

"Good plan," he remarked, kissing her on the top of her head. He turned, still keeping his arm wrapped around her, towards where he laid the three PADDs. Pequeno had decided they were comfortable enough for a bed. Harvey pulled them out, one by one, in hopes that he would finally be able to take a look at the last PADD he was handed. "Admiral's remarks," he muttered. "Orders..." Naturally, it would be the last one he'd withdraw from the dog's care. "Technical specifications for..."

He paused, almost instantly withdrawing his arm from around Joey's waist. Harvey couldn't believe it. The PADD he held contained the word he'd been looking for, proof of a new command. He knew he'd be getting a new ship, but he could have never hoped that it would carry the name of his fallen comrade.

"...the USS Black Hawk," he softly uttered, still in a bit of shock. She wouldn't be an Akira, that much he could tell from the image. The class change didn't bother him. What mattered was that they were going home.

"Your new command bears the same name as your of one?" She asked, looking at the PADD he held in his hand. Joey was so happy for him, and it outweighed the very mixed emotions she was having regarding her own future. "I'm so happy for you, honey. I know you've waited months for this very moment, and now it's finally here. She might be different from the original, but you get to go home, and that's what matters the most."

He smiled. "Indeed it does." He patted her knee and said, "Come on. We've got a ship to catch."

"I feel a little better now. Thank you," Joey said, leaning in to press a kiss to his cheek before she rose to her feet to start getting their things together. "Now may be the only chance I have to tell you this, and it's been killing me keeping it from you for so long. When I was on the ship to retrieve some of our things, I ran into an old friend."

How many more secrets does she have? Harvey thought, staring at her blankly for a moment. "An... old friend? What do you mean?"

"I was going to Security to grab a few pictures and some other things that were there," she began. "Only the ship still had an occupant. Jackson. I didn't get the chance to ask him how he survived the crash or managed to keep from being found while the ship was being secured considering he was trying to kill me."

"How did..." Harvey muttered. He knew Jackson never made it off the ship in the evacuation. The Captain had all of the proper logs to prove it, and believed that Jackson was one of the forty some individuals who'd died before or during the crash. This new information absolutely surprised him.

Joey grabbed some of her things from a drawer and began putting them into her bag. "He's dead now, so he won't be coming back to bother anyone," she said, trying not to relive the moment in her mind. "I also found out what happened with him just before the ship crashed." While she'd been keeping that secret, so was he since he still hadn't told her.

"The fact that he tried to take out the Black Hawk before the Sovereign did?" Harvey asked, getting up to start packing his own clothes. He also thought about the things he'd already put in storage and the need to contact the Lakota so those items would be retrieved before the ship left.

"Yes. I'm not angry with you for not telling me considering everything that went on, and the fact I hadn't told you yet was driving me crazy. I'll spare you the details, though," she said, pulling out her uniform. It'd been so long since she last worn it that just looking at it felt strange.

Harvey paused and looked over at her as she held her gold security uniform. Considering everything? he thought for a moment, wondering how much she knew. Harvey hadn't spoken a word of what happened aboard the Black Hawk to Joey. He assumed that she had talked to Mila before they left the Gamma Quadrant. "It's better left behind us," he admitted.

"You're right, it is, and now that I've told you we can officially leave that in the past," she said, feeling a bit torn as she held the uniform in her hand. "You know... this could be the last time I ever put this on. It feels a little bittersweet."

"I still think you're reading too much into it," Harvey said, finding his gray uniform undershirt and pulling it over his head. He'd save the rest of the uniform until just before beaming up. The late morning air was already a bit warm, and the last thing he wanted to do was sweat for the next couple of hours. "Everything will be all right."

"I hope so," she said, laying her uniform on the bed so she could finish packing. When that was done, she moved over to the window and looked out over the ocean for a moment before turning back toward him. "I guess I need to change and head to the transport station. I'll bring the dogs with me." She moved over to him and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too," he said after returning the kiss. "And there's no need to head for a transport station," Harvey told her, showing the combadge he'd been given. "The Lakota can take us all as a group. Speaking of," Harvey said, affixing the badge to his breast, "I need to have them get our belongings out of storage. I don't want to leave the Alpha Quadrant without all of that."

"Oh... I didn't know you had a combadge," she said, feeling a little more at ease. Joey wasn't ready to put her uniform on just yet, and instead of doing so, she crawled onto the bed to stretch out still in her bikini from earlier. "We have a little time to kill. Feel like snuggling with me for a few after you contact them about storage?"

Harvey nodded, stepping into the outer room to do so. The call took a couple minutes as he had to reach the Lakota's quartermaster and to give him the coordinates and the authorization to access the storage lockers from the Department of Personnel.

When he returned to the bedroom, he saw his bikini-clad finace on the bed where Pequeno and Rico already laid in front of her. "All of it will be aboard the Lakota. If not, hopefully I've still got a solid yeoman who will make his life hell."

"Mila has ways of making things happen, so if it's not all there, then it will be," she said, rolling onto her side so she'd be able to fave him and not the dogs. "How long do you think we'll be on the ship before we make it to our permanent home?"

"The Lakota's an Excelsior, not like the Steamrunner we came to Earth in," He said, sitting beside her. "A little slower, so I'd say about a week. A fair amount of time for us to get used to spacefaring again before it matters."

"Does anyone in our line of work ever truly forget spacefaring?" Joey asked with a smile. "Although, I've gotten used to being super lazy over the last couple months. I might need to use that week to readjust. Pretty sure my hormones are getting the best of me."

"I doubt it," Harvey said, his medical background speaking now. "It's been a fun couple of months, with some awkward moments therein, and to top it all off, it's all been cut short. We're lucky to have gotten as much as we did."

"You're right... again," she said, willing to trust his opinion thanks to his medical background. "I hope we get the chance to do it again. By the time we get to surf in the real ocean again, you'll be a pro thanks to all the holodeck practice we'll be getting in. Of, our surfboards are in the storage locker, too."

"All taken care of," he reminded her before leaning over planting a kiss on her lips. "Come on, my love," he told her. "1800 will come all too quickly."

She hadn't been lying when she said there was a little time to kill. Joey rose from the bed and began to change her clothes to put the uniform on for the first time in months. Once that was done and her boots were on, the Lieutenant ran a brush through her hair so it could be put into a bun. "We're all set. Everything is packed up, so now we just have to head out."

Harvey closed the last of the suitcases and whistled to the dogs to have them come by his side. "Time to go," he told them. "Ready?" he asked Joey as he put on his jacket and zipped it up. He glanced at the mirror, and nodded, seeing his black and gray clad self, the four gold pips glistening under the sunlight. It was time to go home.

"I'm ready," Joey said, putting the two canines Security harnesses on before clipping their leashes to them. "We all are."

Nodding, Harvey tapped his badge, using a title he hadn't used in months. "Captain Geisler to Lakota. Four to beam up."


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